the North Pole应该用什么介词?不同的介词都有些什么具体的用法?举出例句来~

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 18:28:06
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North Pole 前面用什么介词?也就是说是at the North Pole 还是 in the......;on the .....还是什么的 the North Pole应该用什么介词?不同的介词都有些什么具体的用法?举出例句来~ north pole前面要用the吗? There is very little ____changes at the North Pole.填空空里应该填什么 在北极用英语怎么说?on the north pole还是,at the north pole 英语翻译north-seeking pole 应该怎样翻译,整句是:The north pole of a magnet repels the north-seeking pole of a compass. the north magnetic pole是什么意思? In 1929,three years after his flight over the North Pole.这是什么结构啊?时间还能在after之前?his flight over the North Pole 是应该名词短语,用中文应该翻译成什么?越过南极的他的飞行,感觉his在这里很别扭,afte THE TRUTH ABOUT THE NORTH POLE怎么样 at the North Pole和on the North Pole 的区别at和on有什么区别?什么时候用at?什么时候用on?要具体一点!马上期末考了!1月27日之前回答!有句话是:Animals live on the North Pole难道Animals是在北极点上吗? Many scientists have ____(aready,yet)been to the North Pole.填什么 北极王 THE EMPEROR OF THE NORTH POLE怎么样 What is the difference betweeen the North pole and the South pole? What is the difference between the North Pole and the South Pole? what is the difference between the North Pole and the South Pole?为什么呢 what is the difference between the North Pole and the South Pole?3Q为什么呢 Singapore is (far)_away from the South Pole than from the North pole it will get warm at the north pole so the seas will be very rough什么意思