有这么一道题很不懂!There are many students ____ on the playground.应该填play 还是playing这句话当定语从句理解时,填playing,这个我能理解!但我在想,为什么不能把 There are many students 当做主语从句,然后后

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 17:28:27
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有这么一道题很不懂!There are many students ____ on the playground.应该填play 还是playing这句话当定语从句理解时,填playing,这个我能理解!但我在想,为什么不能把 There are many students 当做主语从句,然后后 关于分式化简的一道题不知对错.很不解,这么化简对么.为什么. 一道英语语法题There are many people in here这句话有什么语病吗? How many and girls are there in the picture?There are()boys and()girls.这题这么写, hundred后面有复数吗前辈们 这么说行不行 there are hundreds people Our classroom has four windows 刚才看到一道题有这么一句话,不是某地有某物要用there be么 There are have two tickets goods,这有2票货,这么翻译吗,还是写,there are have two tickets of good 这一道题这么做 关于句型Where there is a will,there is a way.我知道有这么Where there is ...there is.这句型如 Where there is smoke,there is fire.那请问有Where there are.there are.这句型的吗 countries和country的区别 有一道题there are many 《counties》in the world为什么要填书名号里的那个词? There are many different q_____ of gold and silver.是补全单词的一道题,有的同学填quality,或是有更好的答案. 有一道化学题答案:水电解生成氢气和氧气能说明“在化学反应里,分子可以分成原子”很不理解,氢气氧气是原子吗?这么说怎么可以? there are有缩写吗 一道简单的初一英语首字母填空题.There are many o______ buildings on the street. 那位高人能够告诉在下“each”和“either”的区别,There are trees on each side of the street.There are trees on either side of the street.这两句话有什么差别?请速回答!那如果遇到这样一道题:There are trees on ____ who are there的句式对吗 对的话 它的答句可不可以是There are two boys.(那是一道看图,根据上下文写问句的题 有同学写How many boys are there in the picture.我想问两种都可以还是哪一种错 there they are.和they are there有什么区别? how many apples are red?能这么问吗?how many red apples are there?这么说更顺些吧.