3道英语问题,1.--- She studies hard--- ____and ____A.So she does; so you do B.So does she; so you doC.So does she; so do you D.So she does; so do you2.---We are free this afternoon.Let’s go to play computer games---Well,I think I’d better wat

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 14:12:13
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scanf(%f%f%f%f,&stu->score[0],&stu->score[1],&stu->score[2],&stu->score[3]是什么意思 谎言英语怎么说是stu什么什么的 关于c语言链表的一个问题h->next=p1,p2->next=p1是什么意思,又有什么作用struct stu { int num; float score; struct stu *next; } *h,*p1,*p2; p1=(struct stu *)malloc(sizeof(struct stu)); h=p1; p1=(struct stu *)malloc(sizeof(struct stu) 3道英语问题,1.--- She studies hard--- ____and ____A.So she does; so you do B.So does she; so you doC.So does she; so do you D.So she does; so do you2.---We are free this afternoon.Let’s go to play computer games---Well,I think I’d better wat 你最喜欢的科目是什么?请根据下面的问题提示,以My favorite subject 为题写一篇100词左右的英语短文. 1~What subject do you study at school?2~What's your favorite subject 3~why do you like it best? 4~how do you stu STU*fun(STU a[],int 几道英语问题,因为快要考试了,1.She was so careless that she _____plate when cooking.A.fall B.droped C.fell D.dropped c语言虚实结合的问题stu为数组名averp(stu,i);算不算虚实结合函数原型:void averp(char*p,n) 帮我看看几道英语题1.The weather in Guangzhou is hotter than _______ in Beijing.a.it b.that c.one d.those2.The twins corrected the mistakes on the test paper by ______.a.them b.themselves b.him c.himself3._______ will give us a talk about stu 高一8道英语单选.1.When you finish reading the book,please ( A ) it on the shelf.A.replace B.take place C.consider D.return(在此处replace是什么用法.)2.--Is Tom ready for dinner?--Perhaps,but his mind isn't.He is still in his stu 英语作业`帮我写下一,写出下列单词的相应形式1.(复数)they 2.him(复数) 3.khife(复数) 4.my mum(所有格)5.foot(复数) 6.push(反义词) 7.stay(第3人称单数) 8.go(第3人称单数) 9.pohot(复数) 10.die(现在分词) 11.stu 我想问一下英语音节划分的问题,有知道的麻烦告诉我,我想问一下英语音节的问题,有知道的麻烦告诉我,关于stu-dent stud-y 音节的划分,为什么同是元音 U 却一个归前面,一个归后面?还有 Y 是不 scanf(%s,stu[i]. 英语问题同义句:She goes to work by subway 残杂着英语oh!wo stu yau le,toi di choi voi ban,but idont want go.help me 英语个很矛盾的问题?She likes bananas.能写成She likes banana么 两个英语连词造句的问题!1.stayed,she,with,grandpa,her,yesterday2.it,China,take,not,you,to,can 初中范围内的四道英语问题,求详解.1.When she came back/when she will come back/when will she come back 三者有何区别?2.动词不定式(to do)和动名词结构(doing)做主语究竟有何不同?3.有be different from . to .这