price of daily foods ___ through the internet can be lower than those in storesA.are boughtB.boughtC.been boughtD.buying答案为什么是B呢

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/10 17:18:47
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price of daily foods ___ through the internet can be lower than those in storesA.are boughtB.boughtC.been boughtD.buying答案为什么是B呢 many foods like the foods of many years ago a daily feature of our daily news 一直都搞不清冠词的问题,到底什么是特指什么是泛指?例如According to ________ review of 44 studies,American researchers found that men and women who ate six key foods daily cut the risk of ________ heart disease by 76%. price of daily goods __through a computer can be lower than store prices1.are bought 2.bought 问下商品被买不是应该用1么? People can't afford to buy expensive things ________ the price of the daily goods going B.for C.with D.since Prices of daily goods______ through a computer can be lower than store price.A:are bought B:bough C:been bought D:buying 一条英语数学题Johnny bought some foods in a supermarket.Johnny paid $41 for 6packs of biscuits and 2 bags of potato chips.If $11.5 is needed for 1 pack of biscuits and 1bag of potato chips,what are the price of a pack of biscuits and the price 关于economic一道题~Income elasticity of demand All foods 0.10 Beef 0.26 Margarine -0.22 Fresh potatoes -0.43 Fruit juices 0.95 Bread -0.18 Price elasticity of demand Beef -1.24 Bread -0.25 Fresh potatoes -0.14 Fruit juices -0.65 Margarine -0.37 食物的英语句型foods of mang kinds of food 还是foods Eat a variety of nutrient-rich foods. unit price&term of the price of the price of The Price of the price of the 翻译:the price of ...