请选择一道题pourInto the cuttings he poured melted leadA.to cause to spillB.to cause to flowC.to cause to leak

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 03:11:21
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请选择一道题pourInto the cuttings he poured melted leadA.to cause to spillB.to cause to flowC.to cause to leak 一道选择英语题,请说明理由,Where will the next World Cup ___?A.take place B.hold C.play D.happen 一道英语题请帮忙1.It is easy to do the repair.____you need is a hammer and some nails. A.Something B.All C.Both D.Everything 为什么选择B?谢谢为什么不能选择D? 一道英语题(单项选择)There is ____Mon the blackboard.A letter B an C/ D a 请教一道英语选择冠词题When Jenny left( )college,she got a jobas ( )journalist.A /;a B.the;/ C.a;the D.the;the 一道选择一道填空题 一道英语选择题,请说出选择理由.The child was lost in the forest, where he was _____ the mercy of wild beasts.  A. at B. on C. for D. in 一道简单的英语单项选择————will be the popluation of the world in the year 2010?A what B how much C how many D how soon请详细解释一下,谢谢 一道选择9题, What's wrong with Amy yesterday?A. She had got a headache.B. She has got a toothache.C. She went to the park.这是一道剑桥二级下册的测试题,根据问题选择答语,答案给的是B,但是我觉得从时态上来说,应该选择A,请专 一道英语选择填空题:The computer is too expensive,I'll ( C) itA :think about B:think of C 可为什么B不对 有一道英语单项选择不会,请麻烦解释一下怎么选,thanks——What's the matter with you?——The math problem__me.Can you help me?A.mistook B.cornered C.pushed D.stuck 一道英语选择(初一)There are many apples_____ the tree.A bird______ the tree is eating an apple.A.in,on B.on,in C.in,ay D.to,of此题咋做?请各位说明理由! 一道英语选择题,请帮忙解释一下The report says that the air quality is improving, but our survey suggests _____. A.somehow B.instead C.anyway D.otherwise这道题为什么选择D? 一道简单的定语从句题目Helen was much kinder to her youngest child than she was to the others,________ ,of course,made the others jealous.A.who B.that C.what D.which请选择 一道选择填空题,请说明原因,Please keep your eyes __________?A wide open B widely open C open widely D widely opened 请帮我回答一道英语题,并说明理由!He asked me ( ) during the summer holidays?A.where had I been B.where I was C.where I had been D.where was I标准答案是选择c,求理由! 一道英语选择题,请说出选择的理由.()in a heavy traffic jam on his way here,he was nearly an hour late for the party.A.Catching B.Being caught C.Caught D.To be caught