windy sunny cloudy snowy的特点和规律

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 20:40:24
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为什么rainy,cloudy,sunny,windy,snowy后面都有y?为什么what's the weather like in Sydney?要用like? cloudy cold hot snowy sunny warm windy初中英语天气造句 Date_____ weather________ (sunny,windy,cloudy,raing) 选哪个? windy sunny cloudy snowy的特点和规律 sunny,rainy,windy,snowy,cloudy的名词形式 here is the weather report It s cloudy and windy in new york It s sunny in TokyoIt srainy in londonand it s snowy in harbin sunny windy cloudy sunny snow weather Moscow Boston cook study bad terriblepretty写短文 -What's the weather like today -It's ——,You should take anumbrella with youA、rainy B、cloudy C、sunny D、windy It's cloudy and windy today.(对cloudy and windy 提问) It's cloudy and windy(划线提问划线cloudy andIt's cloudy and windy(划线提问划线cloudy and windy)怎么做 sunny,fine,rainy,windy,snowy,cloudy用在天气中都是什么翻译啊?大姐姐, snowy,sunny,rainy,windy,foggy,cloudy,等词的比较及是什么 除了sunny.rainy.snowy.windy.foggy.cloudy还有哪些这样的词?并写出中文 分类;windy sunny cloudy cool cold warm rainy hot急呀、快呀、、、、 It's sunny的中文意思It's cold的中文意思It's windy的中文意思It's snowy的中文意思It's rainy的中文意思It's cloudy的中文意思请快一点哦 1.Theweather is very cold.It's( )2.It's find and ( ).3.It's ( )and( ).It's going to rain.4.The ( )is bolwing strongly.A.raining B.windy C.cloudy D.sunny E.wind Windy和cloudy是什么意思? cool,warm,sunny,rainy,windy,cloudy,hot,snowy,cold,nice这些词在回答下面两个问句时哪些能通用?哪些不能?What's the weather like today?What's the weather like in spring/summer/autumn/winter?