
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/08 11:22:53
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we should give the Earth a hand.
We pick up litter and care for trees,
We all need to take care of Mother Earth '
let us make the earth beautiful
I am the Earth and the Earth is me.
Recycle, reuse, reduce, these are the words we should know.
we have to save our earth so that we can live and grow
2] 地球是我家,绿化靠大家
The earth is my home
She needs you to lend a helping hand
3] 一花一草皆生命,一枝一枝总关情
a flower , a blade of grass each has bones and skins
a twig, a branch each conveys true feelings
4] 美化家园就是美化自己
You take care of the earth
The earth takes cares of you
5] 爱护草坪,请勿入内
Care for the lawn
Keep off the grass
6] 绿色与健康同在
Green is connected with health
In a circle, in a hoop which is our wealth
7] 爱护花草人人有责
everybody should care for the plants
8] 爱护环境从我做起
Love our mother earth
Start it right now it’s worth
9] 草木绿,花儿笑,空气清新环境好
Soft green grass, smiling beautiful flowers, sweet fresh air.What a beautiful earth !
10] 花草有生命,请足下留情
Every plant has a life
Please spare each of its life.
11] 小草依依,踏之何忍
teeny tiny grass
How could anybody be mean to harass?

你的意思是学生写说明文时的summary, conclusion类似的结尾,还是老师改作文时写的评语?有些confused。权当后者处理吧~~
It’s great! You did a good job!
It’s a coherent essay, and its grammar is also brilliant!
Perfect ...


你的意思是学生写说明文时的summary, conclusion类似的结尾,还是老师改作文时写的评语?有些confused。权当后者处理吧~~
It’s great! You did a good job!
It’s a coherent essay, and its grammar is also brilliant!
Perfect spelling, punctuation and grammar. Cheer up!
Your paper lacks the logic to prove your thesis.
It’s catachrestical,such as ……
Your grammar is quite nice, but please pay more attention to your spelling.

