求教英语高手,最好能给个句子分析,As I sit here,in early2003,I have before me several pages of manuscript bearing majestically encouraging and tactful notes from Ian Tatterwall of the American Museum of Natural History pointing out,inter

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/11 02:33:39
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求教英语高手,最好能给个句子分析,As I sit here,in early2003,I have before me several pages of manuscript bearing majestically encouraging and tactful notes from Ian Tatterwall of the American Museum of Natural History pointing out,inter 请哪位英语高手能帮我翻译这句话,最好能分析一下句子结构:Being African American is more than visual as blacks define themselves as much by self choice and societal definition as by ancestry. 一句英语句子的语法分析,I don't want them stringing along as well语法结构详细分析,举例多个,最好能衍生下, 高手帮我分析一下这个(超简单的…)英语句子He is the same age as me.age是名词对吧,那么is+名词=?为什么能这样用?那 他和我一样高出了用he is as tall as me外还可以怎么表示?(最好也是用名词的 哪位高手能帮我翻译个句子,最好还分析下句子结构:there are rats ands rats and rats all over the house 求教英语高人帮我分析一下句子The economic,sociocultural and/or environmental benefits that tourism canachieve for the host community far outweigh any negative impacts brought aboutby tourism.请问哪位英语高手能告诉我这句英 新手求教 最好给个过程 一个英语句子结构的分析What some people regard as a drawback is seen as a plus by many others.此句子结构混乱,请高手分析 英语翻译求教英语高手 英语高手帮忙分析下句子结构 英语高手帮忙分析下句子结构, 请英语高手帮忙分析句子结构 那位英语高手帮忙翻译个句子,急呀! as far as我已经读到第三章了 as long as 、as far as 、as well as、as good 最好每个给个例句 But as they soon discovered,disguises can sometimes be too perfect.出自新概念英语第二册,不明白这句话的意思,最主要的是请高手给我分析一下这个句子, 英语高手请指教!fragrance 怎么区分aroma最好都给我造几个句子 John took control as monitor of our class.怎么翻译?最好能分析下句子结构.谢咯~ 英语翻译找英语高手翻译个句子.我不是最好的,但我要做最努力的.