They risk their lives to save people caught in save 是补语成分吗?their lives 是宾语?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/05 11:11:50
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有没有in the risk of能不能说 they were living in the risk of being discovered by their foes? They risk their lives to save people caught in save 是补语成分吗?their lives 是宾语? 英语翻译after they return from their honeymoon ,the newlyweds usually live on their own. They usually live far from their parents because they want to find good jobs.的翻译 模仿下文写一段话Dogs live on land .Their favorite food is meat.They give birth to their young.They feed their babies with milk 英语翻译If they live,they stay with their mother for nearly two years but then they must leave her to go and live alone on the ice. they want to live their lives on their o___and don't like to be told what to do People live in tall buildings and they can be close to their friends and ______quickly They were surprised to know that their son still stayed_____after ten years' time.(live) 英语时态问题:They _____(live) there all their lives.用哪一种时态?为什么? to live as long as their own control they will not lose anything是什么意思 They try to fit as much as possible into their kids live.咋翻译顺口 They often complain about ___ (live)so far from their school. live within their At Shang Neng our students learn English the same way they learn their native language—they live they wanttheir childen to live a h___ life theythey wanttheir childen to live a h___life they just do not Want their babies to s﹎ alot later 模仿下文写一段话Dogs live on land.Their favorite food is meat.Trhey give birth to their young.They feed their babies with milk. If tigers live in the wild,they h_____for their own food.They live a____a family if they havebabiles.Baby tigers watch their mother and l____how to catch s____animals.Wolves live in family g____if they a_____.They hunt t___if they are h_____.We shoul