用near,with,as,without,about,between,among,below,behind,beside,from,for,against填空.1.I found a pretty girl ______the people.2.The village lies______two mountains.3.Shall I write my answer above or_____the line?4.From the top of the mountain we co

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/13 23:40:10
xSK0Jzy| @ =$NGK. A ?i40BlE^n>|2(m1*7 ܡM!;2 4lTEm+jl2WQ-4 $QVÛ-Bk5/Jk h.7XW0Z q#Z`{Z|z"3.kO=P?~0"\fg{zjCK$tj#!yd'-ŇB}[Y2 ta#_d<3KiY&[ORZΕo;4UQQ؝hY|k$@7aole%IZL֯\&ZcXP vd́K/0klxCj?$,KfψDiZ֠6<$y"8n,Opt,qí$Á/΁Gyfr+Ԯ*g{eolddiiE&5$WI_O1e'˔ 釸db;-RJŜH^>3S`™J O\/5 >;g& 3
请问,With National Day coming near,with 用对了吗,还是用as. with the holiday drawing near是否正确文章的开头用as还是with days withou you is as blank as my word without colour!I am happy? days withou you is as blank as my word without colour! I am happy? near with the benchmark As the car came near as long as you're near. 英语翻译In certain circumstances,you may palce a stop-lossorder with the bank,the bank is instructed and authorized to close out the relevant open positions withou futher notice as and when the marked-to-market loss on such open position exceed Which book do you want? The one ( )a red cover on it A.with B.in C.by D.withou 谁能帮我用as well as,together with 造句? 英语翻译As a result,the major conclusions of thepapers are oftentimes not supported by the experimentalresults,and comparisons with prior literature near impossible, 有这样一篇完型填空,开头是 As Christmas drew near,Ursula was faced with just that problem. 帮忙找.要答案的,谢了各位 as with怎么用 翻译成什么 As with running,learning english needs will.为什么要用as with they had a definite meaning,for they were as near as early man could get to writing这句话里面的 writing为什么是ing形式,get to writing?还有as near as 应该怎么翻译呢 as.as的用法怎么用 英译汉 汽车论文The predicted frequencies were compared with those measured in the road tests and near agreement taken as effective identification of the acoustic modes responsible for the noise.Further agreement with panel frequencies was take 英语:用所给动词的正确形式填空1.As parents,you shouldn't have your children (do) whatever they like.2.The woman was finally rescued from the ruins after (trap) for four days.3.With the fina examinations (draw) near,we must set our mind 用near,with,as,without,about,between,among,below,behind,beside,from,for,against填空.1.I found a pretty girl ______the people.2.The village lies______two mountains.3.Shall I write my answer above or_____the line?4.From the top of the mountain we co