26.Rather than on a crowded bus,he always prefers a bicycle.请说清来龙去脉

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 02:34:57
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26.Rather than on a crowded bus,he always prefers a bicycle.请说清来龙去脉 翻译 A robot, rather than human beings, is on翻译 A robot, rather than human beings, is on board the spaceship . 16 Rather than ___ (ride) on a bus ,he always prefers to ride a bicycle. Rather than ride on a crowed bus,he always prefers to ride a bicyde. Rather than ride on a crowed bus,he always prefers to ride a bicycle. 改为同意句(英语):He would rather go there on foot than take a bus. He rather than I -- going to give away a gift to you on Christmas Day. 翻译:I·d rather work on the land than work in a factory.为什么是work;than work? 28.Why not get some work experience first go straight on to university?28.Why not get some work experience first ()go straight on to university?A.or rather B.other than C.more than D.rather than To Live a Life,rather than being Rather than ride on a crowded bus,he always prefers to ride a bicycle.这句话的意思是什么? 英语翻译Even though the works part of a private collection ,rather than on display at a museum ,theyare very recognizable. You should always depend on yourself rather than someone Is it morally right to spend a lot of money on pets rather than helping people in need? She spends her money on the books _____ the clothes?A:instead of B:rather than选哪个?为什么? Nowadays ,people spent much of their leisure time on watching TV,rather than reading a book.There I prefer to have a chat wite my friends rather than read books at home on Sundays翻译 I prefer to have a chat wite my friends rather than read books at home on 翻译