麻烦帮忙翻译一下这句句子吧“they are shedding new light on the dance between genes and life experience determines intelligence”,这句话中的前半段——they are shedding new light on the dance,应该要怎么理解呢?求指导

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 03:27:57
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英语翻译麻烦哪位帅哥美女翻译一下这句句子 麻烦帮忙翻译一下这句句子吧“they are shedding new light on the dance between genes and life experience determines intelligence”,这句话中的前半段——they are shedding new light on the dance,应该要怎么理解呢?求指导 麻烦帮忙翻译一下这句“亲爱的自己,不该想的事,就别想了”, 划括号那句句子帮忙翻译一下 那是她穿红色的原因 英语翻译帮忙翻译一下这句句子吧:那是她穿红色的原因 翻译句子What real love can do大家帮忙一下,这句子是什么意思啊,我看了半天都弄不出意思,哦,也有可能是句病句,麻烦大家了,拜托,一定要快哦! 帮忙翻译一下这句句子:45元包括午餐吗? I am right the one that can give a right love.1、麻烦帮忙分析一下这句句子语法结...I am right the one that can give a right love.1、麻烦帮忙分析一下这句句子语法结构看看有木有错.2、句中两处right这样用有 麻烦帮忙翻译一下这句话,帮我分析一下句子结构以及语法!谢谢!You would use a different perspective and tone in narrating an experiment than you would in narrating a soccer match. 这句句子看不懂!A body weighs less the farther it gets from the surface of the earth麻烦分析一下这句句子(尤其是less the farther it gets这一部分),别直接给翻译~ 麻烦大虾们帮忙分析一下这个句子What they have done is fuse two different types ofentertainment, the circus and the rock concert.这个fuse是什么成分?顺便翻译一下~~谢啦~~~谢谢~~~~~ 英语翻译谁会的麻烦帮忙翻译一下, 麻烦帮忙翻译一下这个说明书 麻烦高人帮忙翻译一下”黄小桐”英文名字 Elena-Audrey麻烦帮忙翻译一下 麻烦好心人帮忙翻译一下英文句子Refuse alcohol, refused to shake legs, refused to carelessness, refusal to grant a nerve谢谢! 英语翻译麻烦帮忙翻译下面几句: 帮忙分析一下这句英语句子Moreover,they are a direct irritant in what some politician and scholars see as a coming conflict between the generations.这句话中what前为何要加介词in?