她昨天晚上去了上海.She ____ ____ Shanghai yesterday evening.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/11 21:16:14
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她昨天晚上去了上海.She ____ ____ Shanghai yesterday evening. 她从不去牙医那里清洗牙齿.She never goes to the ____ ____ _她从不去牙医那里清洗牙齿.She never goes to the ____ ____ ____ ____ 她去了上海用英语怎么说 她上个月乘火车去了上海 she—— —— —— to shanghai last month 英语翻译eg:She was in Shanghai last year 她去年去过上海?She wasn’t in Shanghai last year 她去年没有去上海.Was she in Shanghai last year?她去年去上海了吗?They were at the butcher’s yesterday 他们昨天去了肉店Were 当她去购物中心时,她总是花太多的钱(汉译英)when she_ _ _ _,she always _ _ _. she wants to take ____ ____ ____ australia this summer.她今年夏天想要去澳洲旅行 英语翻译现在9点了,你们将迟到了.It is ____ ____ now,you ____/____ ____ ____ ____ late.下周五,他将去看电影.She ____/____ ____ ____ ____ a film next Friday.你妈妈这个周末去购物吗?是她要去买一些水果.____ your mo 玲玲不在教室,她去图书馆了.Lingling isn't in the classroom,she ____ ____ ____ the library.玲玲不在教室,她去图书馆了.Lingling isn't in the classroom,she ____ ____ ____ the library.你听说过来自黑龙江的王蒙吗?____ you 英语填写句子注意是没空一词哦~1.she asked _ _ _ _ _ 这条街上有没有书店 in this street2.our teacher said _ _ _ _ 她要去美国to America3.Do you know _ _ _ _ 她是否会骑车the bike 4.do you remember _ _ _ _ 老师在班会 英语翻译It has been three years since she left Shanghai for Beijing.她离开上海去北京3年了.麻烦给看看 英语翻译8道英语翻译题,急1.你家离邮局有多远____ _____ is it from your huose to the post office2.一年有365天There are____ _____ _____ ______ days in a year.3.她上个月乘火车去了上海She _____ _____ _____to Shanghai last 英语翻译1.你家离邮局有多远____ _____ is it from your huose to the post office2.一年有365天There are____ _____ _____ ______ days in a year.3.她上个月乘火车去了上海She _____ _____ _____to Shanghai last month4.他的父亲匆 九年级英语试题21.在冬天旅馆通常会降价.Hotels usually ____ ____ ____ in winter.2.我们需要更多的男演员参加才艺表演.We need ____ ____ actors for the ____ ____.3.她演奏了一段优美的钢琴曲.She ____ a beautiful _ 他花费了两周来完成这项工作.He ____ two weeks ____ ____ the work教练告诉他们继续训练.The coach told them to ____ ____ ____ the _____.她只想着自己,从不关心他人。She only ____ ____ herself and never _____ _ 她听到这个坏消息后,她忍不住哭了.After she heard the bad news ,she_ _ _. 她看起来有点生气 she _ _ _ angry _ _ _ she is _ _ angry Sarah什么时候去上海?她明天去