BBC听不懂了.A US soldier said guesswork and calmness helped him to survive his first ever skydiving jump when the instructor he was tethered to died from a heart attack.翻译句子帮我解释一下when the instructor he was tethered to died fro

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 17:21:45
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BBC听不懂了.A US soldier said guesswork and calmness helped him to survive his first ever skydiving jump when the instructor he was tethered to died from a heart attack.翻译句子帮我解释一下when the instructor he was tethered to died fro 每天睡觉前听BBC有用吗?基本上都听不懂话说我看错了 是voa bbc radio 7总是听不懂怎么办? 听不懂VOA、BBC等英语广播怎么办? soldier soldier a PLA soldier什么意思 i am a special soldier 请问阿姆的soldier(士兵)这首歌想表达的主题是什么?大家不要弄错了,是那首一开始不停唱I’m a soldier,i’m a soldier,i’m a soldier,i’m a soldier...貌似是在讽刺点什么, BBC 完全听不懂啊,想哭啊,还一个月就考雅思了啊,绝望了啊.妈的,哥坚持不下去了 求如何提高听力.我马上要考BEC中级了,最近在训练听力,可是我听不懂BBC唉!听BBC感觉语速太快了,就能听出几个单词,文章意思更就听不出来了,怎么办呀,如何联系听力呀 英语听力学了十几年了,怎么还是听不懂VOA和BBC还有电影呢郁闷...别人怎么就可以呢 bbc听不懂的一句话President Barack Obama’s nominee as the new US Secretary of Health,Tom Daschle,has withdrawn from the post because of problems with his taxes.这里面这个from the post 我马上要上高中了,想训练一下英语听力,可BBC太快,听不懂在讲什么,又很简单的英语广播吗? 一篇概括课文的 短文,明天要交了,麻烦高手纠错(把语法之类的错误改正确).纠得越多我奖励越多.summaryThis essay tell us a story:a young soldier was received a letter before he went to fight in the war.That letter a soldier must do bis duty.中文翻译 A soldier must do dis duty He may be a soldier.=Maybe______________