一道英语语法的问题A new UN study shows that 8 out of 10 countries facing the worst food shortages are in Africa.这句话可以改成A new UN study shows that 8 out of 10 countries are facing the worst food shortages in Africa.就是把后

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/11 06:11:57
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一道英语语法的问题A new UN study shows that 8 out of 10 countries facing the worst food shortages are in Africa.这句话可以改成A new UN study shows that 8 out of 10 countries are facing the worst food shortages in Africa.就是把后 请教一些英语语法句型Admittedly, since we move to a new city or new country, less frequently can we keep in touch with our old buddies.这里的less frequently can we... 是正确的倒装用法吗?另外, Such a colorful new life will we st 大一高数 数列极限题一道 若数列Un的极限是a,证明数列|Un|的极限是|a|,并举例说明,数列|Un|收敛时,数列Un未必收敛. MT.SM.PC.KG.ST.KL.ST.UN这些单位的中文意思请知道的回复我, 关于级数收敛的问题如果一个级数Un收敛于a则级数Un+1收敛于什么呢?级数(Un+Un+1)收敛于什么呢?注:那个+1都是下标n加1,表示多一项 一道基本的英语语法题When he was here last year,our new library ________ .A.was buildingB.has been builtC.was being builtD.was to built请问其他几个选项为什么是错的? 一个交错级数的问题,莱布尼茨定理其中一个条件是满足条件Un>=Un+1 ,那如果Un 一道电路的问题题目如下图所示我的问题是,在下图的解答中,所设的U=Un+KUx这个方程中的Un的系数为什么是1,而Ux的系数却是k? 哪位懂英文进来看看Nobody can go back and st art a new begining,but anyone can st art now and make a new ending, 求解一道高数(极限)lim(Un)=A,(n→无穷),A不等于0,当n充分大时,必有Un的绝对值大于A的绝对值/2,为什么? 席琳迪翁的a new day has come 的一些问题. 请教一个有关英语语法的问题It is an overwhelming experience for our new immigrants to move into a new country,where the language,culture,and custom vary from our own.请问以上这句话“where the language”中的“the”应不应该 一道英语语法选择题,不定式的问题He hurried to the station only -----that the train had left.A to find B finding C found D being floowed为什么不选D,不是被支付吗 New Year`s Day is______January 1st.A.on B.in C.at 要理由 new year's day is ( ) january 1st.a.in b.on c.at september 1st is usually the____(begin)of a new term怎样填 一道函数项级数的问题f(x) = Σ(x+1/n)^n D = (-1,1) 讨论(1)函数项级数的一致收敛性 (2)和函数的连续性 记 Σ(x+1/n)^n = ΣUn(x)(1)中,我用反证,如果ΣUn(x)一致收敛,那么ΣUn(1) 收敛,即Σ(1+1/n)^n 收敛,显然 一道英语语法选择题The map is one of the best tools a man has ( ) he goes to a new place.A.whenever B.whatever C.wherever D.however我选了D.答案是A……