完成句子?1.we____(适应)the cold weather at last.(adapt)?2.The girl seemed to___(有天赋)singi...完成句子?1.we____(适应)the cold weather at last.(adapt)?2.The girl seemed to___(有天赋)singing.(talent)?3.Their sudden attack___(

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/17 08:03:42
xTOAWq2-6i虃fڝv'4;SAS & AIHH bO G{ھ{{S%F1(>{?ғ}-xg#49?PvjDP-Mtg5wuU\t8!ްD8LhQ6)<<&SoF{wҕg=H=Eڧs3Qڕm0 8eثL)[㗿vOG[+V]"NH Y2+PuDzC-7L7{h}4`myɖ¶E,ok΁7ZM ;YDeȴJ"cח=fA`aT<Jxq9̀yiۨ1Ҍo77ߥnȠ-#M> a +mP!d6SVJd;RZ8K|3w66u bݞKA ݹEbkB6P"M 6X&!WB14
完成句子?1.we____(适应)the cold weather at last.(adapt)?2.The girl seemed to___(有天赋)singi...完成句子?1.we____(适应)the cold weather at last.(adapt)?2.The girl seemed to___(有天赋)singing.(talent)?3.Their sudden attack___( 【急!】英语一道按中文完成句子[今晚就要!]我们正在吃晚饭时灯熄灭了While we____ ____ ____,the light went off. 一、完成下列句子,每空一词1.作为学生,我们应该按时去上学.As students,we____ ____ ____go to school on time.2.格林先生坐在餐桌旁读着《中国日报》Mr Green____ at the table____China Daily二、根据所给词语提 we____(not finish)all the work yet 用所给词的适当形式填空,完成短文For our holiday we went to Arizona(亚利桑那)in the USA.We____(walk)in the hills,we____(do) some boating and we____(do) some horse-riding.It____(be) a great holiday,but it_____(be) too short!The food__ 根据所给单词或汉语的正确形式完成句子1、here is a____(礼物)for you.we____(buy)it from shanghai. 用括号内单词的适当形式完成句子1、We have known each other since we____(come)here 2、They______(bulid)the Hope school five years ago.3、They____(not come)back yet,but i think they will cme back in an hour.4、Tom _____(make)many frie If we had the choice,we____(live) in the country 根据汉语句子完成英语句子我们学校没有俱乐部We____ ____ ____ _____in our school.汤姆有一个球Tom____ a soccer ball .Sonia有英语词典吗?_____ Sonia______an English dictionary?Peter没有电脑游戏机Peter____ ____a comup shall we____ at the bus stop at half past two? she asked what time we____(meet) the next day 1、We____(meet)our relatives at the aieport next Monday. 完成句子 The monkey's__________is eating __________. 添上单词完成句子( )the( )today? 根据首字母提示完成句子.1.She won the first prize.she was the w_____. 用所给动词的适当形式填空We____(find)the children's parents already用所给动词的适当形式填空1.We____(find)the children's parents already1.——Amy likes to go to the cinema,but she doesn't like to see horror films.A.Since B.As 完成句子 1.上海天气怎么样?雪很大.---- the weather ----- Shanghai?It's very ----- 一、按要求完成句子.1.You mustn't smoke in the hospital.(改为祈使句)