完成句子?1.we____(适应)the cold weather at last.(adapt)?2.The girl seemed to___(有天赋)singi...完成句子?1.we____(适应)the cold weather at last.(adapt)?2.The girl seemed to___(有天赋)singing.(talent)?3.Their sudden attack___(

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 02:41:05
完成句子?1.we____(适应)the cold weather at last.(adapt)?2.The girl seemed to___(有天赋)singi...完成句子?1.we____(适应)the cold weather at last.(adapt)?2.The girl seemed to___(有天赋)singing.(talent)?3.Their sudden attack___(
xTOAWq2-6i虃fڝv'4;SAS & AIHH bO G{ھ{{S%F1(>{?ғ}-xg#49?PvjDP-Mtg5wuU\t8!ްD8LhQ6)<<&SoF{wҕg=H=Eڧs3Qڕm0 8eثL)[㗿vOG[+V]"NH Y2+PuDzC-7L7{h}4`myɖ¶E,ok΁7ZM ;YDeȴJ"cח=fA`aT<Jxq9̀yiۨ1Ҍo77ߥnȠ-#M> a +mP!d6SVJd;RZ8K|3w66u bݞKA ݹEbkB6P"M 6X&!WB14

完成句子?1.we____(适应)the cold weather at last.(adapt)?2.The girl seemed to___(有天赋)singi...完成句子?1.we____(适应)the cold weather at last.(adapt)?2.The girl seemed to___(有天赋)singing.(talent)?3.Their sudden attack___(
完成句子?1.we____(适应)the cold weather at last.(adapt)?2.The girl seemed to___(有天赋)singi...
完成句子?1.we____(适应)the cold weather at last.(adapt)?2.The girl seemed to___(有天赋)singing.(talent)?3.Their sudden attack___(使意识到)thd danger around us.(aware)?4.The child___(害怕)of the snake.(scare)?5.The essay___(与…相关的)the topic.(relevant)?6.It is said that yoga___(对…有利)health.(benefit)?7.The doctors were___(做手术)thd wounded soldier.(operate)?8.Parents should tell their children___(不要取笑)the disabled.(fun)?9.My mother___(因…生气)me for what I said to my sister.(annoy)?10.The young man is___(渴望得到)get wealth and good reputation.(die)

完成句子?1.we____(适应)the cold weather at last.(adapt)?2.The girl seemed to___(有天赋)singi...完成句子?1.we____(适应)the cold weather at last.(adapt)?2.The girl seemed to___(有天赋)singing.(talent)?3.Their sudden attack___(
1.adapted to
2.be talented at
3.makes/made us aware of
4.is/was scared
5.is/was relevant to
6.is beneficial to
7.operating on
8.not to make fun of
9.was annoyed by
10.dying to

1 adaped 2 talented 3 awared 4 was scared 5 is relevant to 6 is beneficial to 7 operatting on 8not to make fun of 9 annoyed at 10 dying to

1 adapted 2.have the talent of 3.awared 4.is scared 5 is relevant to 6 is benefit to 7 operating 8 not make fun of 9 was annoyed of 10 dying to

1.adapted to
2.be talented at
3.made us aware of
4.is scared
5.is relevant to
6.is benefit to
7.(not) able to operate on
8.to make fun of
9.is annoyed at
10. dying for

1.adapted to
2.have the talent of
3.makes/made them awared of
4.is scared of
5.is relevant to
7.operating on
8.not make fun of
9.was annoyed with
10.dying to

完成句子?1.we____(适应)the cold weather at last.(adapt)?2.The girl seemed to___(有天赋)singi...完成句子?1.we____(适应)the cold weather at last.(adapt)?2.The girl seemed to___(有天赋)singing.(talent)?3.Their sudden attack___( 【急!】英语一道按中文完成句子[今晚就要!]我们正在吃晚饭时灯熄灭了While we____ ____ ____,the light went off. 一、完成下列句子,每空一词1.作为学生,我们应该按时去上学.As students,we____ ____ ____go to school on time.2.格林先生坐在餐桌旁读着《中国日报》Mr Green____ at the table____China Daily二、根据所给词语提 we____(not finish)all the work yet 用所给词的适当形式填空,完成短文For our holiday we went to Arizona(亚利桑那)in the USA.We____(walk)in the hills,we____(do) some boating and we____(do) some horse-riding.It____(be) a great holiday,but it_____(be) too short!The food__ 根据所给单词或汉语的正确形式完成句子1、here is a____(礼物)for you.we____(buy)it from shanghai. 用括号内单词的适当形式完成句子1、We have known each other since we____(come)here 2、They______(bulid)the Hope school five years ago.3、They____(not come)back yet,but i think they will cme back in an hour.4、Tom _____(make)many frie If we had the choice,we____(live) in the country 根据汉语句子完成英语句子我们学校没有俱乐部We____ ____ ____ _____in our school.汤姆有一个球Tom____ a soccer ball .Sonia有英语词典吗?_____ Sonia______an English dictionary?Peter没有电脑游戏机Peter____ ____a comup shall we____ at the bus stop at half past two? she asked what time we____(meet) the next day 1、We____(meet)our relatives at the aieport next Monday. 完成句子 The monkey's__________is eating __________. 添上单词完成句子( )the( )today? 根据首字母提示完成句子.1.She won the first prize.she was the w_____. 用所给动词的适当形式填空We____(find)the children's parents already用所给动词的适当形式填空1.We____(find)the children's parents already1.——Amy likes to go to the cinema,but she doesn't like to see horror films.A.Since B.As 完成句子 1.上海天气怎么样?雪很大.---- the weather ----- Shanghai?It's very ----- 一、按要求完成句子.1.You mustn't smoke in the hospital.(改为祈使句)