请高手帮我分析一下句子结构!句中的从句是什么从句?谢谢!In a Chinese meal that has not been altered to conform to the Western ideas of eating ,everyting is presented as a kind of buffet ,the guests eating a little of this ,a lit

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 13:42:10
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请高手帮我分析一下句子结构!句中的从句是什么从句?谢谢!In a Chinese meal that has not been altered to conform to the Western ideas of eating ,everyting is presented as a kind of buffet ,the guests eating a little of this ,a lit 请英语达人帮我分析一下这个句子结构Weather she will come or not is unknown 这句是什么从句?是怎样分析出来的呢? You are simply being polite.句子结构是怎么样的?请帮我分析一下! 高手分析一下这个句子的结构请帮我分下一下这个句子的结构,哪个是主语哪个是表语等等~.No one really knows how the ancient egyptians build the pyramids. 请西班牙语高手分析一下这句句子Despues de desyunar todos salimos.结构是怎么样 de起什么作用? 帮我分析一下句子结构? 分析句子的语法成分请高手帮我分析一下“What you see reflects what your heart is like”的结构和成分.两个what的用法有什么不同吗?它们在句中是什么成分呢?整个句的结构和成分是什么样的呢? 请帮我分析一下现代汉语中的省略句 ---There existed----a certain doubt among the students as to the necessity of the work.请哪位高手帮分析一下这个句子的结构?前面如果换成It existed 我的意思是主 谓 宾的句子结构? 请高手帮我分析一下电路的结构,其中数字代表几号电阻 大家帮我分析一下这句句子的结构Each facet can be as exciting when discovered by you as it was when it is discovered by the original author or explorer.照你这样分析,第一句是主句,二,三是从句,从句与从句之间没有连 请英语高手能帮我分析一下句子结构,because there was a time when all I did was wish i will never forget this because of the great effect it had on my life.帮我分析一下句子结构这是一个什么样的从句 请帮我分析一下这个托福中的句子Missing until recently were fossils clearly intermediate,or transitional,between land mammals and cetaceans.句子的结构是什么? The bus comes here.请帮我分析一下这个句子的结构,划分句子成分. 英语翻译另外,句中的where引导的到底是定语从句还是地点状语从句,请帮我详细分析下, There is little I can do to help him. 我帮不了他多少忙请高手们分析一下句子成份,I can do to help him从句是什么从句吗?谢谢 求英语高手帮我看一下句子Sometimes we find that we are in trouble.这句语法有错误吗?另外这是宾语从句吗?