修改下这段英文语法The importance of the research is that the characteristics of china advertising wih media.With a long history ,the cultue of china not only has come down traditional virtues ,but also has come down a conservative ideas.And

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 18:08:25
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英文段落修改,一段话,高手帮忙修改一下(包括语法句式),A country or region’s animal husbandry is usually measured by grassland animal husbandry development.The grassland animal husbandry value in western developed countries a 修改下这段英文语法The importance of the research is that the characteristics of china advertising wih media.With a long history ,the cultue of china not only has come down traditional virtues ,but also has come down a conservative ideas.And 英文语法修改请帮我修改下以下2段的语法,能改多少就该多少Teachers often play a significant role in the field of education.Their interaction with the students directly influences the children’s attempt to learn as well as thei Many people like to watch TV.Watching TV is one of the most importa Many people like to watch TV.(Watching TV) is one of (the most importa)为什么 请会英文的帮我修改我的句子语法 紧急> 可以帮我修改以下这两题我写的英文句子语法吗 > 下面这句英文有语法问题么?有的话 是什么语法问题,怎么修改?类似语法问题有无例句?Began from the Lamborghini S.p.A’s foundation,Lamborghini made up his mind that his only purpose was to beat the Ferrari. 《火影忍者》英文文章修改,要把这篇文章里的语法及其它错误都找出来,把修改过的文章告诉我.This is a ninja world.In the Naruto world,the ninja in this profession are the children's dream!But this time the hero is Na 英文段落修改,另外一段话,高手帮忙修改一下(包括语法句式),高分感谢,谢谢了The key to solve the contradiction between forage demand and support is finding a development path suited to China’s current condition for for 英文改错 修改语法 拼写错误 换用更好的词 用更好的句型 跟好的方式表达观点The poem “ The furthest distance in the world” shows how importent the love is.It tells people what is the furthest distance in the world and 英文倒装语法修改 说的对吗 only if people have practical experience will they be more opportunities than others 请会英文的帮我修改我的句子语法 谢谢喔 拜托了 紧急 part 2 给100分请帮我修改 我写的文章句子 可以适当地帮我删减或增加句子 让我写的这篇文更通顺拜托了 以下 这是我回答的问题 in the D 请教这篇有关建国60年的英文,哪些还需要修改?主要是用词和语法方面.the 60th anniversary of foundation of the People's Republic of ChinaThis year marks the 60th anniversary of the founding both of the great People's Republic o 我需要别人帮我修改英文作文中的语法.Thomas TsaiI am the advisor at Coast Community College.I need to help my student to get the best choice every day.It was because some students don’t know how to choose the course really helpful fo 帮我修改一下这篇英文啊 ,语法有问题,怪怪的.27th, June, 2004 was a special and glorified day in my life, because on that day I received the admission letter to University. When the clerk in the post-office telephoned me that he wou 修改语法~英文文章I think,first of all to determine the age of the consumer,Different ages have different concept of consumption.Young people may choose to lower the price of floor tiles,because their income is small.Middle-aged people may c 英文段落语句修改懂英语的人麻烦帮我看一下,一下有没有语法或者用此错的地方,有的话帮忙指出来,如下:Now,with the introduction of new medical reform,deepening the overall direction of medical reform and the rec