过去分词完成时the man sit in front of the door ,happy to watch anything.为什么用to watch

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/11 14:41:55
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过去分词完成时the man sit in front of the door ,happy to watch anything.为什么用to watch 过去分词和现在分词完成时的区别 the man can sit 关于过去分词短语作后置定语问题the G.I. was the common man grown into hero这句子中grow为什么用过去分词而不是现在分词? sit的过去式、现在分词、过去分词是什么? I had done ,I have done ,I am done有何区别完成时,过去分词等全部都没学 i wish i could have seen the ballet 里的could是不是代替了should/would,那么换句话说could+have+过去分词也是过去将来完成时的构成结构, I noticed the man sit,I noticed the man sitting,I noticed the man sat三个句子可以互换吗? She asked the doctor to have her examined.为什么用过去分词前面的过去分词和后面的完成时是因为前后一致用asked吗? sit的过去时 I saw an old man ____(lie)on the ground when I walked past.这里为什么要用lie的过去分词 高二英语书必修5上的练习的答案,急用2010-2011学年的P43练习的2题用过去分词完成连接下列句子 1i found this plate on the floor.the plate was broken in pieces2i saw a tall drak and handsome man.his name is xiao ming 3i lo 完成时动词是用过去分词吗? seat 的过去分词和完成时及用法 分词完成时的格式是什么?是否是.一般 :Having + 过去分词被动 :Having + been +过去分词否定 :not Having + 过去分词 用现在分词或过去分词完成句子,注意分词的用法1,fishing is not__(interest).i am not really__(interest)in fishing.2,the match was__(excite).the crowd got very__(excite The man dressed in white clothes为什么用dressed过去分词 老师说是什么反身动词 完成时现在分词的被动语态于与过去分词的区别?