求救!英语语法填空It is no good ______(learn)strings of words and lists of grammatical rules.横线内应该填什么?为什么不填to learn

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 17:22:28
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求救!英语语法填空It is no good ______(learn)strings of words and lists of grammatical rules.横线内应该填什么?为什么不填to learn It is time----us to go home(填空) it is t_______ to go across the road.首字母填空 英语语法填空!Knowledge,no matter how broad,is useless_____it is applied.能填however吗 后面做状语 填空:( _your bird ( ) fruit?( ) it ( ) water?No,it ( ).It ( )seeds.yes,it ( ).This is ( ) . is this your eraser?no,it is not,it is( ),填空,me,my,her,hers, 反义疑问句填空a:it’s a lovely day,isn’t it?b:___________.i feel comfortable.a:____________________________b:go to the park?that’s a good idea!_______________________a:no,the price is low.b:_______________________________a:we can go there ( ) 4、Is this parcel__________?No,it( ) 4、Is this parcel__________?No,it's not ________.It's__________.选词填空. 一个小小的英语语法问题There is no need to know it.There is no necessity to know it.两个都是“没必要知道这件事”的原意 求救!填空 一、根据句子内容填空1.What( )do you want to buy?2.Mun( )of(总是) tells me not to be late for school.二、用所给的正确形式填空1、When( )you( )(go) to the library yesterday?2.( )( who) mirror is it?Is it ( )(your)?No,it's no 高中英语语法问题(急需)I think it is no use doing. I think it no use doing.哪句对?这种叫做什么?求详解 Is this (代词填空)watch?(you)No,it's not (代词填空).( I ) 英语语法It is no longer a question _________ we can fly to the moon.A that B whether 选哪个? however 等于 No matter how I`ll go there however dangerous it is.=I`ll go there no matter how dangerous it is. A:Is it _(rain)?B:No,it is_ (snow)怎么填空 It is no No doubt it is.