几道英语问题,麻烦解释一下1.Tom,you feed the rabbit today ,( )? But i fed it yesterday.A don not you B did not you C do you 2.The result of the experiment was very good,( ) we had not expect.A have heard B had heard C heard3.The

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/13 21:45:10
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几道英语问题,麻烦解释一下1.Tom,you feed the rabbit today ,( )? But i fed it yesterday.A don not you B did not you C do you 2.The result of the experiment was very good,( ) we had not expect.A have heard B had heard C heard3.The 几道英语选择题,麻烦理由谢谢 几道英语选择题·很基础的·麻烦解决一下啦~1.Writing headlines(新闻报道要点)in English is not _____.A.easy jobs B.an easy work C.an easy job D.the easy work(麻烦再解释一下·这里用job和用work有什么区别)2.I wa 麻烦解释一下数学处理过程就是用费马原理求解最速降线问题的那个(你回答过别人的问题)(http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/109461615.html),最后几步数学处理搞不懂啊……dx = dy z sqrt(y/h)/sqrt(1-z^2y 利用反函数法求麻烦解释一下里面所说的反函数法.即里面怎样求得y不等于3的?这个是人教版的必修几? 如何用判别式法求函数值域麻烦解释一下里面的反函数法,就是求得y不等于3是怎么求的,这个是人教版的必修几? 麻烦问题用英语怎么说 圆的方程表示问题方程x-1=根号下1-(y-1)^2所表示的曲线为什么是半圆?麻烦解释一下 坏运气用英语怎么说是不是SO BAD? 麻烦解释一下~~~ 11~15题,麻烦解释一下原因(初一下册英语) 几道英语选择题,麻烦理由啊!1.mr.brown,some students want to see you.__wait here or outside?a.shouldb.willc.shalld.are2.tom must have been here just now,__?a.did not heb.was not hec.has not hed.isn not he3.if you really want to be in good h -3x的平方-1/2x的平方y的立方-1,称为几元几次几项式这是初一的问题,最好解释一下. 麻烦你给解释一下 麻烦你解释一下 麻烦在解释一下 wqt是什么意思? 麻烦解释一下 麻烦翻译下面几句英语? 几题英语题麻烦了