反义疑问句中有宾语从句四道题I think he is a student,()?I don't think he is a student,()?He thinks I am a student,()?He does't think I am a student,()?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 07:19:43
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think 反义疑问句I think 加宾语从句,他的反义疑问句有哪些情况呢? 反义疑问句中有宾语从句四道题I think he is a student,()?I don't think he is a student,()?He thinks I am a student,()?He does't think I am a student,()? 宾语从句中反义疑问句,要以从句还是主句为依据? I do not think there are aliens,__?反义疑问句是什么?宾语I do not think there are aliens,__?反义疑问句是什么?宾语从句的反义疑问句怎么判断 反义疑问句怎样反问?(要宾语从句的) would rather 后面加宾语从句反义疑问句怎么弄 宾语从句的反义疑问句,请全面一点 含宾语从句的复合句怎么变反义疑问句 i supposed it is very important to be on time,___ ___?反义疑问句还请大家说下宾语从句反义疑问句怎么改 I don't think he is a teacher ,_______(反义疑问)在宾语从句中,有没有反义不是宾语从句里的主语 而是主句的主语这种情况?能举个例子吗? 宾语从句反义疑问句一道题...I hear he has gone home,_____ ____ ?应该填什么,纠结. 关于think的反义疑问句I think I am right,don’t I?为什么要用don’t?不是说think、belive、expect、suppose、imagine等词引导的定语从句,疑问部分与宾语从句相对应构成反义疑问句么?I think I am right中I am ri 有关i don't think 的句型的语法知识 i don't think 中反义疑问句要和宾语从句的动词和主语保持一致.请举例说明这句话的意思. 宾语从句的反意疑问句怎么变宾语从句的反义疑问句“,”后的否肯形式是根据主句变,还是从句变?如果有那些否定前移的词,像believe,think这样的“,”的怎么变?给个句子:I don't think you are wrong 宾语从句中特殊的疑问句语序疑问句在宾语从句中不改变语序的有哪些?where is the roomwhich is the best waywho am i上面有哪些?还有其他哪些? “宾语从句主语为第一人称I或we 时,反义疑问句与从句保持一致”这话是不是不完整?我认为应该是:只有“I/we (don't) think/believe/suppose/expect + 宾语从句”这类存在否定转移可能性的复合句,其 英语中翻译疑问句,和他的用法.什么叫定语,宾语,从句,表语,谓语等反义疑问句和他的用法 宾语从句和反义疑问句1.He asked.what do yuo do?(改为宾语从句)→____________________________2.He plays basketball very well.(反义疑问句)→____________________________