语法高手请进:of 后面可以接that 亦或只能接独立主格结构?Beckham represents the image of sport hero whose handsome appearance and unparalleled football skills are passionately adored by all the sports fans.我觉得此句中the i

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 10:26:16
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语法高手请进:of 后面可以接that 亦或只能接独立主格结构?Beckham represents the image of sport hero whose handsome appearance and unparalleled football skills are passionately adored by all the sports fans.我觉得此句中the i 请高手帮忙分析一句话的语法,请问这是什么语法结构.many teachers are sick of bearing their students say that...为什么bearing their students 后面接的是say呢?bear sb do 英语高手请进,动词加副词后面不可以加DOING STH 举例说明 英语高手请进关于MORE THAN 的语法用法we rarely perceive more than a minute fraction of the sights and sounds that fall upon our sense organs:the great majority pass us by.此句中more than 这句话 有什么语法知识吗那如果说 that is much better什么意思 英语高手请进 regardless of后面可以跟that从句吗? 英文高手请进(有关语法的问题)到底是这样对,The nurse thought that he had hurt both himself and me.还是那样,The nurse thought that he had hurt both him and me.对呢? 英语高手请进 74.It seems that the government has not noticed the seriousness of the problem.这句话有没有不妥的地方? just as 与just like用法.(老师或者英语高手请进)我看到这么几个例子;That's just as it should be.just as 引导表语从句,be后面没有成分,那么just as 可以充当成分?XiaoGao began to speak before everybody else, just 有没有be for sb 这个语法?考试遇到的问题:We are not against your plan.是否可以转换为:We are for you on your plan.英语高手请进并能讲出原因和语法点. it turn out that peculiar.高手帮我看一下语法有没有错误?it turn out that peculiar way of conducting the exoeriments may have let to misleading interpretation of what happened.这是2010年的考研真题,完形填空,have 后面为 真正的英语语法高手请进吧It's time that.句型后面接动词过去式或者加should+动词原形,表示一种虚拟.疑惑如下:1,It's time that.句型怎么是表示虚拟?例如说It's time we left.怎么看也看不出虚拟在哪 英语的语法求解only humans and some intelligent animals like apes and dolphins have been shown to recognize that the image in the mirror is of themselves.其中的of themselves是怎么用的,为什么可以接在be动词后面? 英语问题.语法高手进It is A of B that C. C是修饰A还是B的呀. 高手请进,菜鸟请别进 英语问题This has led to the evolution of adaptive strategies that permit plant cells to sense environmental stimuli and activate responses that allow avoidance or survival of the environmental stresses encountered 中 介词后面的宾语可以用从句吗? of something →of that……remind sb of that 三角函数高手请进 泰语高手请进