这篇雅思作文能得多少分呢?Some people say that the increasing business and cultural contact between countries had positive effects. Other say it would lead to the loss of national identities. Discuss both side and give your opinion.Current

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 19:46:36
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这篇雅思作文能得多少分? 雅思作文大作文跑题能得多少分 这篇雅思作文能得多少分呢?Some people say that the increasing business and cultural contact between countries had positive effects. Other say it would lead to the loss of national identities. Discuss both side and give your opinion.Current 求大侠修改雅思大作文!求哪个大侠帮我看看这篇雅思大作文写的怎么样,有什么可以修改、提高的地方,最重要是看看能得多少分?Some people think earlier technology changed our lives more than recent technolog 雅思小作文没有写完,大作文写得不错,能拿多少分 哪位好心人能帮我看看这篇雅思作文值多少分啊?并且如果想得6.5分需要改进的是什么?问:Some people believe that giving heavier penalties to crime such extending imprisonment is the best way to reduce crime.Others, how 雅思作文 谁能帮我看看我这篇作文能得多少分啊?Nowadays ,with the price of houses hovering at high levels ,whether the housing price will go down has become a heated topic .Some people contend that the price of houses may fall with 这篇雅思作文能得多少分?题目是In some counies ,governments are encouraging industries and businesses to move out of large cities and into regional areas,do you think advantage of this development outweight its disadvantage.In current soc 这篇雅思作文,大概能得多少分?Some people say that the increasing business and cultural contact between countries had positive effects. Other say it would lead to the loss of national identities. Discuss both side and give your opinion.Cur 雅思用模版写作文最高能得多少分? 8000词汇量,口语高级,考雅思能得多少分? ? 雅思听力错7个能得多少分 雅思大小作文的字数都够了,然后大作文有点感觉偏题,这大概能的多少分呢?.急. 剑桥雅思6 general trainingA剑桥雅思6错几个能得8分呢? 雅思作文,马上就要考雅思了目标6分 这样的作文能得多少分Some people spend more time reading books,while others prefer to watch TV.The former group are more likely to develop creative imaginations and have a much better grasp of 雅思大作文report写成了argumantation,但字数够了能得多少分不会零分吧 雅思大作文语法评分我想问下如果一篇雅思大作文,语法没有错误,但是语法结构不复杂,并列句,和少许从句构成.那么语法这一项能给多少分呢 英语翻译作文写得还可以.这样能得多少分呢,