高手来帮我翻译下这段英文额On a small inflammation, the last little inflammation called thee, if you are angry, then I'm sorry, if you do not get angry, too, I'm sorry, my ungrateful, I do not deserve you as a friend, I know it Zhongseqin

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/04 21:57:59
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高手来帮我翻译下这段英文额On a small inflammation, the last little inflammation called thee, if you are angry, then I'm sorry, if you do not get angry, too, I'm sorry, my ungrateful, I do not deserve you as a friend, I know it Zhongseqin All the things you plume yourself on today,will be annihilated sooner or later 英文高手帮我翻译 英语翻译来个英语高手 帮妹妹我翻译一小段文章,翻译成英文QQ 287611790 哪位高手能帮我翻译一段英文文章呀 中翻英 禁止翻译软体 英文高手请帮我翻 > 请高手帮【别惹我】翻译英文是什么意思? 哪个高手可以帮我翻译holding on to a dream 这首歌全部歌词?本人英语太差了. 英语翻译额,敢问哪位英文专家来帮我翻译翻译.“人生绚丽,知者不惑” Changes took place in the Scottish universities which had a major impact on the Society.For example求英语高手帮我翻一下这段英文不要机器翻得要人翻译的 请帮我句子翻译英文.曾经的拥有,只是过眼云烟.不要再百度的翻译器翻译哦 谢谢高手来 “好与坏”连在一起的英文 求高手来帮翻译 帮我翻译英文> 懂英文的来帮我翻译下,谢谢 中文句子翻英文 禁止翻译软体 英文高手请帮我翻 > 英语高手来帮我翻译下这个名词.谢谢了.急啊`营销建议..就上面这个名词.翻译成英文 请英文高手帮我翻译一下,这个句子吧:(早知道等来的是这样的结局,又何必苦苦等待.)谢谢了哈. 请高手帮我翻译下这段英文新闻啊 满意了追50分Liabilities The global financial crisis has plunged the U.K. economy into its worst recession for a generation and forced the government to take on 1.4 trillion pounds ($2.3 trillion) o 哪位英语高手帮我翻译一下boot frozen ,boot thawed on next ,boot thawed