i think______(一定是)Jack that parked the car like that,for he is always doing so.为什么标答是it must have been

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 06:59:29
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i think______(一定是)Jack that parked the car like that,for he is always doing so.为什么标答是it must have been I think______(eat) junk food too much is bad for us 请问又是为什么呐 I think______(read) more books is very important for everyone. JA是什么的缩写, ( )Jim,who's at the door?Dad,I think______.A.he is LiLei B.he is Tom C.she is Lucy D.it't Jim ja natuelich是啥意思 THere are some ____ (different)between us,but I don't think______(different)are important. ,I don t think______ cool A:she is B:is she C :her is Dis her 选哪个并解释原因He hasn't come to class yet.What do you think______?选哪个?麻烦解释原因(最好是ABCD四选项具体分析)He hasn't come to class yet.What do you think______?A.was hanppened to him B.has happened to him C.d I think______ is an interesting subject because i like traveling.A.Chinese B.English C.Geography D.Maths What do you think______(made/to make)him change his mind.答案是made,为什么to make不行? =电路中.JA.JB.JC是代表什么啊 【ja:d】【jip】,这两个音标的单词各是? 【ja maat 9 jaar】 该如何翻译?是荷兰语. - Doctor?- Ja.- - 是- Dr.McTavish?- Hoot mon.Hoot I think he likes Chinese very much.Why do you think______?A.it B.that C.so D.this选哪个? 能否用17ja万能型工具显微镜测量斜齿轮的齿轮误差?是19JA型万能工具显微镜 德语ja das ist ja wohl was anders.原句,这里ja wohl 是连起来翻译还是分开?wohl表示也许的意思,ja 表示肯定,这不矛盾吗?