He asked me how many books he wuold buy的同义句

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 06:22:50
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He asked me how many books he wuold buy的同义句 He ask me how many books he would buy.同义句he asked me ____ ____ ____ ____ ____. He asked me _ A if she will come B how many books i want to have He asked how many books I ()(read)already. how many在宾语从句的用法he asked how many children were there in the class?he asked how many children there were in the class?请问哪句对呢?为什么?我记得是how many在宾语从句中是不用变成陈述句.那can you tell me how m He asked me A if she will come B how many books I want to have C what was wrong whith me he asked me,how are you?变为间接引语 He asked me how to get to the atation.. He asked me how my father was.(改为直接引语) He asked me_____.A、what's wrong with me B、if she will come C、how many books I wanted to haveD、they would help us do it Sandy asked me,How many pictures have you drawn?(改为间接引语)Sandy asked me how many pictures _____ _____ _____. 单句改错:He asked me to show me how to send e-mail. Mother asked her son how many books he had read last term(改错) 3.He asked the police how many people ____ (die)in the accident.怎么填?为什么? he asked me ______________.选哪一个,为什么?a:if she will comeb:how many books I want to havec:they would help us to do itd:what was wrong with me He asked me ____.A.if she will come B.how many books I want to have c.he would help us to do itd.what was wrong with He asked me____.A.if she will come B.how many bHe asked me____.A.if she will come B.how many books I want to have C.they would help us do it D.what was wrong with me为什么选D?C项又为什么不选? he asked:How old are you?(改为宾语从句) He asked mehe asked:How old are you?(改为宾语从句) He asked me _____ ____ ____ ____