He asked me how many books he wuold buy的同义句

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 03:55:37
He asked me how many books he wuold buy的同义句
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He asked me how many books he wuold buy的同义句
He asked me how many books he wuold buy的同义句

He asked me how many books he wuold buy的同义句
=He asked me how many books to buy

I had been asked how many books he would buy by him.

He asked me how many books he wuold buy的同义句 He ask me how many books he would buy.同义句he asked me ____ ____ ____ ____ ____. He asked me _ A if she will come B how many books i want to have He asked how many books I ()(read)already. how many在宾语从句的用法he asked how many children were there in the class?he asked how many children there were in the class?请问哪句对呢?为什么?我记得是how many在宾语从句中是不用变成陈述句.那can you tell me how m He asked me A if she will come B how many books I want to have C what was wrong whith me he asked me,how are you?变为间接引语 He asked me how to get to the atation.. He asked me how my father was.(改为直接引语) He asked me_____.A、what's wrong with me B、if she will come C、how many books I wanted to haveD、they would help us do it Sandy asked me,How many pictures have you drawn?(改为间接引语)Sandy asked me how many pictures _____ _____ _____. 单句改错:He asked me to show me how to send e-mail. Mother asked her son how many books he had read last term(改错) 3.He asked the police how many people ____ (die)in the accident.怎么填?为什么? he asked me ______________.选哪一个,为什么?a:if she will comeb:how many books I want to havec:they would help us to do itd:what was wrong with me He asked me ____.A.if she will come B.how many books I want to have c.he would help us to do itd.what was wrong with He asked me____.A.if she will come B.how many bHe asked me____.A.if she will come B.how many books I want to have C.they would help us do it D.what was wrong with me为什么选D?C项又为什么不选? he asked:How old are you?(改为宾语从句) He asked mehe asked:How old are you?(改为宾语从句) He asked me _____ ____ ____ ____