If Not (rs.BOF And rs.为什么他的值是0呢?应该是1啊!

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 02:44:06
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If Not (rs.BOF And rs.为什么他的值是0呢?应该是1啊! 谁能详细解释asp中if not rs.eof and not rs.bof then怎么理解? if rs.eof or rs.bof then 和if rs.eof and rs.bof 它们一样不? IF Not Rs.Bof [asp]asp里的.IF Not Rs.Bof Set Rs = Conn.Execute(Select * From Nt_Imgbook)IF Not Rs.Bof ThentitleIDArr = 全部商品1ElsetitleIDArr = 全部商品2End IFresponse.write titleIDArr Rs.eof or Rs.bof 和 rs.bof and rs.eof 的具体含义? if not rs.我看到解释是RS的游标是否为尾部,什么是游标,在谁的尾部啊,患有个BOF这俩什么意思啊 if not rs.eof rs.open sql,connif not rs.eof thensession(isadm)=admelsesession(isadm)=userend if这里面rs.eof是对数据库查询结果作如何判断? if one day we are not tobether rs rlsowith the same =IF(AND(NOT(A where 子句语法错误If Combo1.Text = 在库图书 ThenCall Form_LoadCombo1.ListIndex = 1SQL = select * from jhk wherers.Open SQL,connDo While Not rs.EOFIf Not IsDate(rs!HSRQ) ThenBmh$ = rs!BmhFor i = 1 To MSFlexGrid1.Rows - 1If Trim(MSFlexGri 关于asp里if then和if not then的问题一段代码photo=rs(photo)if photo = then response.write(无照片)elseresponse.write( 请问下RS.这个是WinCC关于SQL数据库的一小段,其中的RS.EOF是啥意思的?谢谢啦strSQL = "select * From SQL_DATA "Set Rs = cn.Execute(StrSQL)If Rs.EOF Then .Else Do While Not Rs.EOF. if not,give me more and more if(rs.next())里next是什么意思 if(rs.next())里next是什么意思 rs.next 问题if(rs.next()){ rs.first();}else { dos.writeUTF(false); } while(rs.next()) { String result = rs.getString(3)+rs.getString(4)+rs.getString(5)+rs.getString(6); dos.writeUTF( 帮我做一条英文的数学题IN the xy-plane,line m is the reflection of line l across the x-asix.If The intersection of lines l and m is the point(r,s),which of the following must be true?A r=0B s=0c r=sD r=-sE rs=-1我知道答案是b,但是不 急!请懂服装英语的外贸高手进,帮忙翻译一下,谢谢Please note there are changes on fitting for the summer 11. You should send us :1rs prototype (and other prototype if not ok measurement) in size M When the prototype is ok measurement