about tv ads 意思

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/10 13:41:28
about tv ads 意思 about TV Ads 急求一篇About TV Ads的英语短文,不少于80词! ads什么意思? ads 什么意思 ADS是什意思? ads will m______our eyesads tell people about new products and help more in s______all above ,people may get t______of adswhen you watching an interting TV play it is suddenly s_______by some ads 一个报告说我们一生中花在看电视广告上的时间大约是500天.A report says we spend about 500 days watching TV ads ______________________. 10,What are the influences of TV ads on us? Many people ________(厌倦看)ads during TV shows . Match the ads the pictures.啥意思? No Ads or adult materials什么意思? 翻译what about looking through the personal ads? how about watch TV tell me what kind of ads you like best?中的ads是广告的意思吧 a small group of people have emerged in a curiously unattractive way:celebrities.A number of film and TV stars have been the source of a peculiar controversy after appearing in TV or print ads giving testimonials about how wonderful this or that prod 回答下面五题英语.根据首字母完成句子:1.Advertisements are like air-they are e( ).2.When we watch TV ,they are there to give us information about new t( ).3.But scientists say advertisements can make kids f( )4.Ads make kids w( ) mon Open today’s newspaper.What do you see?Ads!Look through a magazine.More ads!Turn on the TV.Still more ads!Everywhere you look,someone has something to sell.Here are some ways ads get us to buy.Some ads use famous people.Stars are paid to sell a pro