帮我改下这篇文章的语法和词汇错误University entrance examination,Yes,university entrance examination!In China,no one will doubt that university entrance examination can change one’s life.Also,this examination really changed me a lot.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/12 01:08:20
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帮我改下这篇文章的语法和词汇错误University entrance examination,Yes,university entrance examination!In China,no one will doubt that university entrance examination can change one’s life.Also,this examination really changed me a lot. 谁能帮我改一下这篇文章的语法和词汇错误啊”University entrance examination,Yes,university entrance examination!In china,no one will doubt that university entrance examination can change one’s life.Also,this examination really c 帮我改一下这篇文章的语法,词汇错误Culture,this was my first reaction to this question.If I were given the opportunity to make one significant change in the school,I would add a subject,which called “culture”.No matter Chinese cultu 请帮我改下作文的错误谢谢 谁能帮我改一下这篇文章的语法和词汇错误啊58,this was my average mark of English in senior high school.105,this was my English mark of university entrance examination.To me,it was a miracle.In my senior high school,my English was ve 帮我看看我这篇文章,指点下错误. 请帮我看下这半个句子语法有没错In spite of out of sight 我想表达的是,虽然什么都看不见如果错误的话可不可以帮我改下,尽量用 inspite of +名词的形式 求英语高手帮我检查下这两个句子的语法是否有错误么?求英语高手帮我检查下这两个句子的语法是否有错误么?我总感觉别扭,如果有不合适的地方,应该如何改?1,People always blame his failure on some 想找个人帮我修改英文我有篇英语论文,但是语法错误比较多,想请人帮我改下,不需要翻译,就是看看哪有错误改改就行,只是语法问题,有意向的可以私信我, 这篇文章的词汇和句子都很丰富.(改病句) 这篇文章的词汇和句子都很通顺 修改病句 怎么改 帮我选下新东方的课程吧词汇魔鬼训练营高中精品魔鬼语法营精英突破班高中英语寒假提高住宿精品班(词汇语法)我基础差,词汇量少语法也比较糟糕 帮我找一下语法和拼写错误吧 谢谢! what do you think you are?请问这种说法,语法上有错误么?是不是有点中国化得英语?如果有语法错误,请帮我改下.(这句话是不是有点骂人的意思啊?) 帮我看看有没有什么语法的错误可好 我是外国人,现在写论文,请帮我检查语法问题和修改 (文章不难)求求您帮我修改语法错误,还有我的中文很差,可以的话帮我用书面语形式来改一下,恰当的词汇来修改一下就让我的论文具有 大家帮我检查下这篇文章的语法..错的给我改下..here's a gay starin my school.from the first moment He came to the school,the whole school started screaming and never stopped...People saw him in strange eyes...and got his news anyway. 帮忙改下句子中的错误``感谢!这篇文章的题目是:My teacher以下几句[ ]中的可能是时态不对或是表述不当……帮我改一下咯``She has got so much energy when she [teaching] in the class.If she thinks the knowledge