It is I who answered the phone.为什么用主格I

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/17 09:50:28
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为什么是 It is I who answered the phone.而不是It is me who answered the phone同题 It is I who answered the phone.为什么用主格I it is I who -----right. Whose CD Walkman is it?I a ____,but nobody answered. It is I who am wrong. It is i who ____ next Hmm,I wonder who it is? It is I who am your leaderIt is I who ------ your,is?,are?为什么? 新概念英语练习册2(30页,31页)A:填空.‘Who is it,Mary?’Grandma asked as mother answered the phone.‘It's Jimmy,'mother said,as she put her hand over the receiver.‘Hullo,Jimmy,'she said after her son had greeted her.‘I'm phonin 新概念英语练习册2(30页,31页)A:填空.‘Who is it,Mary?’Grandma asked as mother answered the phone.‘It's Jimmy,'mother said,as she put her hand over the receiver.‘Hullo,Jimmy,'she said after her son had greeted her.‘I'm phonin Time Is MoneyAs the taxi came to a screeching hait at a traffic light,I asked thedaiver,Do you agree that 'Time is money'? Well,it's a very commonasying.Who will care so much about that?the driver answered .Look,thedigits in the meter are still --Hello.May I speak to Jim,please?-- _________?Who are you Who is he Who’s that Who is it it doesn't matter who/whom it is I'm talking to填who or whom? who is it is me .It is I也对为什么It is I是在资料书上看到的 I think it is who we talked about last weekend! Who is it?---I am b_______,Dad.填空. It is I who _____ responsible for the job. It is I who am to blame.为什么who 后面用am 不用 is?