The scientists from United States live in _____ Ninth street.A.the;the B./;the C./;/ D.the;/

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 00:37:54
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翻译the scientists haven't heard from it yet 要理由!The scientists from ------------United States live in ---------Ninth,冠词用?The scientists from ------------United States live in ---------Ninth Street冠词用? The scientists move from one place toanother in search of the rare animals.翻译下 The scientists from United States live in _____ Ninth street.A.the;the B./;the C./;/ D.the;/ 冠词的用法题目The scientists from United States live in . , Ninth StreetA. the; the B. /, the C. /;/ D. the;/ 怎么翻译 Or so say scientists from Australia and Canada in the online edition of the Proceedings of Many leading scientists down through the years from Galileo to Einstein have been deeply religious.这句话应该如何翻译 The scientists from ____ United States live in ____ ninth Street.A,the,the B,/,the C,/,/ D,the,/主要解释第二个空 Much of this sucess is because of the work of Chinese scientists,with support from otherenvironmental organizations like the WWF.请问这句话怎么解释, According to scientists,our mental abilities begin to decline from the age of 27 after reaching the highest level at 22.主,谓 宾是什么?什么句式? To send the picture,XiaoLi Sun,a scientist from NASA,and other scientists have to divid the Mona Lisa picture into 30400 pixels.求翻译 The scientists from the UK were the first _____ an animal clone; successfullyThe scientists from the UK were the first _____ an animal clone; successfully B.cloned; successful clone; successful D.cloned; successfully 太空站的英语,帮忙翻译,有难度!In the space stations’ “rooms”, astronauts and scientists will conduct important experiments in field ranging from astronomy to chemistry. 翻译,并分析句子结构:i help other scientists to predict where lava from the volcano will flow next and how fast. The scientists began to think about what use could be __such things.A made up B made from C made of D made out 帮我分析下这里that的用法..And the vast majority of scientists attribute the changes to greenhouse gases,both natural from water vapor and man-made from burning fossil fuels,that trap heat in the lower atmosphere. According to scientists,our mental abilities begin to _____ from the age of 27According to scientists,our mental abilities begin to _____ from the age of 27 after reaching the highest level at 22.A.differ B.shrink D.decline请解释每一个 英语翻译为什么不能说成the great living scientists而是说成the great scientists alive