来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/10 18:55:37
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车祸 ACCIDENT怎么样 韩红车祸具体情况怎么样了?韩红车祸 韩红车祸 韩红车祸 韩红车祸 韩红车祸 韩红车祸 韩红车祸 出车祸英语怎么说?是have an accident吗 hurt,car accident (车祸),arm,in,was,his,the连词成句hurt,car accident (车祸),arm,in,was,his,the 连词成句 “死于车祸”的英文请问是die from a car accident 还是die in a car accident 非限制性定语从句中which is和which被省略时的异同如题,假如要翻译一场车祸怎么怎么样,请问A car accident(which is)resulting in bodily harms and deaths...与A car accident(which)results in bodily harms and deaths. 车祸导致两名乘客死亡 the accident ____the death of two passengers 他在车祸中受伤,快死了.he hurt()in the accident and is(). 吉姆可能在车祸中受了重伤“jim___ ___ ___ ___seriously in the car accident” He_______a car accident.他遇到了车祸.1、他被撞2、他遇到他人出车祸ran into属于哪种?另一种怎么说? 地震救人小英雄陈浩车祸现在怎么样了? accident 那场车祸使他终生成了残疾人 英语翻译That traffic accident made him ____ disabied _____ _____ _____ 上星期他的哥哥发生了车祸 汉译英A traffic accident ______ _______ his brother last week 根据汉语意思完成英语句子琳达与这次车祸没有关系Linda had nothing _______ _______ ______ the car accident. 你的车开得太快了,这样会引起车祸的.You drive your car too fast.It will be a accident. 在2003年,田正阳的爸爸在一场车祸过世英语翻译.In 2003,Tian ’sfather was die in a accident还有一句.I can be late as work这两句话是否存在语法错误 以 traffic accident 为题写一篇英语作文大概内容为 昨天我在新华路走着,突然发生了一场车祸,因为其中一个开车的男人边打电话边开车,导致两辆车撞在了一起,