insert into select 语句,需要多insert一个字段怎么办比如tableA的字段 ID Name1 1tableB字段 ID Name Time从tableA中将 ID,Name 两个字段insert进tableB,另外Time字段比如Time=13期望得到的结果是:tableB ID Name Time1 1

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 17:32:02
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数据库中select into from 和 insert into select的区别 insert into a select * from b 和select * into a from b 这两个语句是不是一样的? insert into a (select * from b)和把记录取出来然后分别insert那个的效率高? insert into t select * from t;书上说这个insert 语句得到了T的一个读一致视图,读一致视图是个什么概念? insert into REC_OVER(ORG_ID) select '1' from dual where not exists (select ORG_ID from REC_OVER )insert into REC_OVER(ORG_ID) select '1' from dual where not exists (select ORG_ID from REC_OVER ) 请问oracle里这样的语句,为什么在sql/plus可 select Insert into和Insert into select的区别我现在是想把A表中的数据复制到B表中,但需要先看看B表中是否存在上条数据,不存在才插入,应该如何写呢?假如A表和B表中都 有a,b两个字段OleDbDataReader dr1 = insert into select 语句,需要多insert一个字段怎么办比如tableA的字段 ID Name1 1tableB字段 ID Name Time从tableA中将 ID,Name 两个字段insert进tableB,另外Time字段比如Time=13期望得到的结果是:tableB ID Name Time1 1 select * into dept2 from dept ADO如何使用Insert into语法 ADO如何使用Insert into语法 Insert 英语翻译Insert Disk contained MOVIE DATA and select OK to continueInsert Disk and select OK to continue 还有只句 select * into b from a where 11 Please insert the correct DVD-ROM ,select OK and restart application Please insert the correct CD-ROM,select OK and restart application是什么意思 Please insert the correct CD-ROM,select OK restart application是啥意思? please insert the correct CD-ROM,select ok and restart application何意? 翻译!Please insert the correct CD-ROM,select OK and restar application