农民工到底用migrant worker还是peasant worker

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/10 01:22:42
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农民工到底用migrant worker还是peasant worker 农民工 用英语怎么说 英语翻译Organising for migrant worker rights Friday,02 April 2010 00:00 Michele Ford and Wahyu Susilo Edition 100:Apr-June 2010 Non-governmental organisations continue to fill the gap in the absence of viable alternatives Indonesia's migrant work worker 英语翻译原句:Thailand needs to simplify its migrant worker policy and enact laws that better protect the workers the country depends on. 农民工到底是怎样定义的?拜托了各位 谢谢 农民工到底是属于工人阶级还是农民阶级?最新 保护农民工的合法权益用英语怎么说 用书感恩农民工 作文怎么写 用什么方式为农民工讨薪 Some students are talking about:Should the children of migrant workers(农民工) study in the cities or in their hometowns?Here are their opinions.1 :66.Kangkang'thinks the children of migrant workers may _________ in the city.(A)feel lonely (B)ge 农民工城市化的制约因素有哪些?农民工城市化收到很多方面的因素制约,使其越来越难,到底这些因素有哪些,是政府还是农民工自身还是城市中存在农民工不能接受的东西? 提高农民工待遇用英语怎么说“提高农民工待遇”用英语怎么说? 英语选择,the government has decide to builthe government has decide to build a cinema ()many migrant worker live .为什么是where .不是in which.应该是live in……不是吗,最好举几个例子说明 migrant workers怎么读 migrant rural labors是什么意思 rural-urban-migrant是什么意思 Mike is afactory worker.用汉语怎么说