People used to cut down lots of trees.(用now改写)People ____ _____ down lots of trees now.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 14:38:16
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knives are used ______ things .A.cut B.cutting cut cutting In the p___ people used to cut down trees and never took care of them. People used to cut down lots of trees.(用now改写)People ____ _____ down lots of trees now. This kind of machine is used ____ cutting B.for cut C.for cutting D.cut The money must_________help the people in trouble. A.use to B.used to used used to People should ____cutting trees A be kept to cut B be kept from cutting C keep to cut D keep from cuA be kept to cut B be kept from cutting C keep to cut D keep from cutting The telephone ____talking to people far away.A.used by used for used to D.used to People use the s_______ to cut things. 帅哥美女们 1.We should _________ the old.A.respect B.look down C.make fun of D. cut in 2.In very early days people used to believe that the earth was _________.A.uneven B.smoothly C.level D. flat 3.The two political parties have _________ to for People in Britain ______on the left A used to drive B used to driving 还要语法、知识点People in Britain ______on the left A used to drive B used to driving C are used to driveD are driving used to我打错了 D are used to driving English is used __ many people in the worldA for B as C by D to long ago,people used stones_____a fire a.for making making c.made d.make chinese people are used to u____ chopsticks the money___by us will___those people in need.A.raising;be used to help B.raised;be used to helpC.raising;be used to doing D.raised;be used for help答案是B,那A为什么不行? This is the very knife_____I used to cut apples yesterday.A.that which C.whichD.with which和 D有什么区别, This is the very knife __I used to cut apples yesterday.Athat Bby which Cwhich Dwith which答案是D请问为什么不选A或B In Britain,people use (knife) to cut things. people use knivers to cut things 什么意思