of any third party's intellectual property rights in Japan

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 06:34:51
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of any third party's intellectual property rights in Japan the seller is responsible for any infringement of any third party's intellectual property rights 一段保密协议英翻中2“Confidential information” also includes proprietary or confidential information of any third party who may disclose such information to either party in the course of either party’s business.Information embodied in a 英译中 Confidential Information was known to or is in the possession of Receiving Party free of any obligation to keep it confidential at the time of receipt from third party and Receiving Party is unaware of such third party’s obligation to kee non-infringement of third party 英语翻译Each Party shall promptly and fully notify the other of any actual,threatened or suspected infringement of the Intellectual Property Rights of the other which comes to the Party’s notice and of any claim by any third party so coming to 1》CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN ISSUED BY THE CHAMBER TO BE SENT TO THE ANY COMPETANT AUTHORITY OF THE EXPORTING COUNTRY 2> FORWARDER'S CARGO RECEIPT ,THIRD AND CHARTER PARTY ,SHORT FORM,STALE AND BLANK BACKED BILL OF LADING NOT ACCEPTABLE. 英语翻译Article-Product Liability;when death,physical injury,or property damage of any third party arises from defect of the Products caused attributable to Party B's liability,Party B shall use its best efforts to settle such claims,and sh 英语翻译Neither party makes any misrepresentation with respect to and does't warrant the accuracy of any information or any document during the negotiation or entering a contract with third-party shall solely responsible for consequences in any a That is barely a third of the margin of the Party's secretary's victory(填什么介词)the dean. third party 英语翻译Mita-Teknik A/S thus will not be held liable in any kind of indirect loss,incl.loss of profits,etc.To the extent that Mita-Teknik A/S is held responsible by third party in consequence of buyer’s actions,incl.resale of the delivered good 英语翻译Neither Party may transfer all or any part of its rights or obligations under this Agreement to any third party without the prior written consent of the other Party.Notwithstanding the foregoing,any Party may transfer all or any part of i 1,Sall's ,is ,party; birthday June 1st on not 2,mother year the the of third March is 求高手帮忙翻译一段英文合同,谢谢!the use of any of the foregoing, infringes, wrongfully uses, or misappropriates any third party Intellectual Property Rights, private rights or contractual rights; (ii) Claims of personal injury (includi Exclusion of third party rights中文啥意思? Describe the process of the third party payment. 英语翻译this specification(说明书) does not constitute a grant of license,or any actual or implied right to use any patent or other intellectual property right of a third party which may be infringed by compositions,materials or components