来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/11/01 23:25:34 初中作文
有志者事竟成,破釜沉舟,百二秦关终属楚;苦心人天不负,卧薪尝胆,三千越甲可吞吴。If you put your heart into study and keep on, everything is possible! Come on, everybody! Fighting!
一、 利弊分析 1、校规大讨论 Rules of my school
I think school rules are very important for us students. There are many strict rules in my school, too. For example, we are not supposed to run in the hallway. And we cannot come late school. We mustn’t bring mobile phones to school. Meanwhile, we must wear school uniforms on weekdays. But most students don’t like the style or the color of the uniforms. I suggest the uniforms should be designed by ourselves.
Every school has its own rules for students. I think they are good for all the students. They are able to make us students make great progress. Though my school rules are strict, we must obey them. Can you join us?
2、谈上网的利弊 Now , the computer is more and more important in our daily life. Playing computer games can make us relax and study better. What’s more, the compute can open our eyes to the outside world, enlarge our knowledge and eich our study life. Also we can learn the news at the first time, and we are able to make friends from it.
However, the computer also has its Cons. Some students spend too much time playing games. It’s bad for their health and study. And their grades are worse and worse. At the same time, there are some bad websites, which can turn us into bad students. And from the computer, you will have a difficult time knowing who your real friends are.
As a student we must learn from the good points and take good advantages of the computer, and try our best to get rid of the disadvantages.
1、 网上购物Shopping online is more and more popular in the world. It is very convenient. It can save us much time and money. But we must have a credit card first.
You know, some of us don’t like running from store to get the best price on the perfect gift. Some us don’t like to go out in the cold at all, and then, we can do online shopping.
The world of online shopping makes it possible for us to visit all the major markets and some special stores on the internet. We can find exactly what we are looking for at the best possible price without even having to leave the house. With the traditional Christmas shopping, it will always take us a long time to wait if we want to get the perfect gift.
一、 写人记事类1、父亲节随想
Today is Father’s Day. I wish you to be young and good-looking forever. Thanks for educating me and looking after me these years.
You don’t like me playing basketball because you worry that it will affect my study. In fact, I know study is the first thing and it is very important for me. When I only want to relax, I play basketball. And playing basketball can help me keep in good healthy.
Would you mind if I play basketball for half an hour every day? When I become energetic, I can study better1
1、 心目中的成功人事A successful person in my mind
Jim, one of my classmates, is a successful person in my mind. Jim does well in both his study and sports. He has won a number of awards in many different competitions. What is more, he is helpful and gets on well with all the classmates and teachers. However, Jim’s success comes through his day and night’s hard work. From his experiences, I understand the meaning of ”No
pains, no gains.’ And I will try my best to realize my dream.
二、 计划类 1、暑期计划2、高中生活
The entrance exam will be over, and I’ll be free for nearly two months. If I enter my favorite high school, I’ll be one of the best students. (标题)Here are my reasons:
First, I’ll get on well with classmates and teachers. We will learn from each other and help each other.
Second, I’ll learn all the subjects well. In class, I’ll listen to the teachers carefully and after class, I’ll do my best to review the lessons. If I have a question, I will turn to my classmates and teachers for help.
Last, I’ll take an active part in all the activities, and do many things well. If I do so, I will be the top student. I am sure I will make great progress and succeed.
三、 其他 1)、健康
1)、Recently, we are discussing about healthy life on the school internet. Many students say they have difficulty in sleeping.
I think the students are just under too much pressure. To get to a better school, they have to do too much homework teachers and parents ask them to do.
What should they do? I think they could listen to some light music or drink a glass of milk before sleeping. Besides, in his spare time, they should play sports like playing basketball, running and so on instead of studying all the time.
2)、On the school Internet, the students are discussing how to have a healthy life. Some students complain that they are putting on weight. And they don’t know what to do.
I think the reason that causes the problem is that we play sports too little, and eat too much. It will bring us lots of illness if we don’t pay more attention to it.
Here I want to give some advice: first, we should have a balanced diet. Second, we need to do more exercise. Third, we can go to school by bike instead of by bus.
3)、 节约用水 Act now to save water
Water is very important to us. All including humans, animals, and plants can’t live without water.
But we still see some people wasting water everywhere. For example, some students often forget to turn off the taps; some people take showers for a long time; others throw away the bottles with lots of water in it.
Well, how do we save water? First, we should start with ourselves not to waste any drop of water. Second, it’s very necessary to stop people from polluting water.
We don’t hope to see “ The last drop of water in the world is human’s tear.’ So act now to save water.
4)、交通安全 With more and more cars coming into our families, we are happy that it has greatly improved our life. But unluckily, it has also brought many problems, such as heavy traffic and traffic accidents.
To solve the problem and live a better life, we need to do something meaningful. What we ourselves can do is to obey the traffic rules. If we cross the roads or streets at the zebra-crossing(斑马线) or walk along the sidewalk, we are safe. We mustn’t play games or football on the road or in the street. Safety must come first. On the other, we must tell our parents not to drive after drinking. It’s too dangerous. A lot of heavy traffic and traffic accidents happened because of the drunk-drinking.
I think everyone must obey the traffic rules from now on. Do you agree?
寒冬过去,春意浓浓,万物复发,我们又迎来了新的学期 ,随着年龄的增长,时间 的推移,把我们推到了九年级的关键时刻,初中 时代是人生 旅途中的一个转折点,而九年级又是初中时代最重要的一年,面对中考 倒计时的100天,我们必须加倍努力!在这紧张进行总复习的时候,我们班全体同学 感谢 老师 们三年来呕心沥血的培养。老师的期望将成为我们拼搏的动力。我们只有不停的攀登,才能不断的充实、完善自我 。我们决不会放弃 ,我们寻找 竞争 ,寻找挑战,寻找快乐 ,寻找梦想 ,我们不敢停留。今天我们在这里召开百日誓师仪式,这是一场催人奋进的大会,激发斗志的大会,它将使我们重新振作,去努力拼搏,再创辉煌。
在这里我代表全体同学向各位老师表示,我们全班同学将以全新的心态面对人生,以充沛的精力投入迎考准备中。时针,在不停的转动,初中时代的日子 在无声的流淌,同学们,珍惜 自己的每一天吧,在离中考100天的时间里,在艰难曲折的人生道路 上,勇敢的扬起和接受考验的风帆吧!人生能有几回搏,活着 的每一天就应该去奋斗!一份耕耘,一分收获,老师,同学们,让我们一起加油吧!我们决定用我们努力和汗水 去充实每一天,以自己的努力争取优异的成绩。同学们,努力吧!我们要向100天挑战!为100天加油,为100天奋斗。
中考 就要来临,高强度的学习会让我们疲惫,但我们奋斗了三年,难道要在最后的一刻放松吗?当然不!所以我们只有继续努力,可是为了保持良好的状态,我们就要调解心情,让我们的身体和心理都“心甘情愿”的去学习,那么,请让我们拿起笔,只花费短短的时间来写一篇中考冲刺作文吧,我们若是感到了疲倦就将它拿出来诵读,相信,大家肯定可以重新获得动力。
一、精心准备,决不浮躁。“凡事预则立,不预则废。” “精诚所至,金石为开。”对于人生来说,中考仅有一次,怎能打无把握之仗?又怎能浮躁轻狂?时日苦短,务须未雨绸缪;大战在即,更应秣马厉兵。
三、专心投入,决不分神。(Motivational model yuedu.mipang.com) “书痴者文必工,艺痴者技必良”。“痴”就是心无旁骛,“痴”就是全神贯注。为了父母的厚望,为了自己的梦想,我们必须一心一意抓学习,聚精会神谋成绩。