来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/11/02 05:39:43 小学作文
标题: 商务英语的写作技巧
系 别: 应用外语系
专 业: 商务英语
学 号:姓 名:
年 月 日
摘 要
目 录
摘 要 .................................................................... 1
目 录 .................................................................... 2
引 言 .................................................................... 3
1 商务英语写作概述 ........................................................ 3
1.1 商务英语写作的种类 .................................................... 3
1.2 商务英语写作的语言特点 ................................................ 3
2 商务英语写作原则 ........................................................ 5
2.1 生动具体 .............................................................. 5
2.2 内容完整 .............................................................. 5
2.3 准确无误 .............................................................. 5
2.4 清楚简洁 .............................................................. 6
2.5 有礼有节 .............................................................. 6
3 商务英语写作基本策略 .................................................... 6
4 商务英语信函写作技巧 .................................................... 7
4.1 选用四部式结构 ........................................................ 7
4.2 遵循语言原则 .......................................................... 8
4.3 注意信函语气 .......................................................... 9
结束语 .................................................................... 9
致 谢 ................................................................... 10 参考文献 ................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
1 商务英语写作概述
1.1 商务英语写作的种类
广义的应用文(Applied writings in broad sense)泛指一切应用文字,文体大致有别于记叙文、抒情文和论说文,界限不太明显;狭义的应用文(Applied writing in narrow sense),主要指政府、机关、群众团体或企业法人间用于交往的文字,如公文(official documents)、函电(1etters or correspondences)等。而随着社会经济的发展,英语应用文的应用范围越来越广泛,以商业为主体的和为商务活动服务的各类实用文体都应包括在英语应用文范畴之内,例如,请柬、邀请信、祝贺函等[4]。本文所论及的英语应用文,范围限于后者,且以商业英语应用文为主。
1.2 商务英语写作的语言特点
1.2.1 专业术语的丰富性
个领域都有自己的专业术语,如国际贸易方面的Free on Board(离岸价)、standby credit(备用信用证);经济方面的demand curve(需求曲线)、corporate charter(公司章程);金融方面的blank endorsement(空白背书)、foreign exchange market(外汇市场);营销方面的market share(市场份额)、after sales service(售后服务) 等;保险方面的force majeure(不可抗力)、All Risks(一切险);法律方面的claim(索赔)、rules and regulations(法规)等等。要真正读懂商务英语文章,译者必须懂得商务英语所涉及学科领域的相关知识,避免专业术语词汇普通化,否则轻则闹翻译笑话,重则将造成严重的经济损失。
1.2.2 商务文体的多样性
商务文体主要是指在商务和贸易活动中使用的文体。商务文体涉及的领域颇广如商务信函(Business Correspondence)、会议纪要(Synopsis of Minutes)、法律文书(Legal Documents)、备忘录(Memorandum)、说明书(Specification)、商业广告(Commercials)、通知(Notice)、报告(Report)、演讲(Speech)、协议或合同(Agreement or Contract)以及各种相关单据与表格(Bills and Forms)等,具有实用性、多样性和行业性的特点。按照其语言表现形式,可归纳为公文体、广告体和论说体三类。不同的文体都有其本身特殊的语言规律。因此,翻译的方法和技巧也不尽相同,如广告、商标等文体强调使用对公众吸引性的语言,用词多趋于通俗化、口语化、简洁、生动、并富有鼓动性;而商务信函、合同、法律文书等公文文体又以其正式、严肃、庄重为特点,大多以术语的形式出现,如 hereafter(自此,今后)、hereby (特此,兹)等。而报告和演讲中属于论说体,这类文体用词正式、严谨,因此以书面语词汇为主。
1.2.3 缩略词的常用性
由于商务竞争越来越激烈,商人都在想方设法提高效率。因此商务英语就具有了简约性的特色,突出的具体表现就是大量使用缩略词。缩略词的表现形式很多,主要有4种:一是首字母缩写词(initialing),二是截短词(clipped word),三是拼缀词(blend),四是首字母拼音词(acronym)。缩略词不仅使用频率高,而且还有扩大化的趋势,如在商务谈判中就经常听到厂长、经理说:关于付款条件,我们希望用LPC而不希望DPA。这里的LPC指的就是Letter of Credit(信用证),而DPA则是指Document against Acceptance(承兑交单)。由于商务英语的缩略词都经过了各国商人的长期使用,已经被人们广泛接受,其意义也十分明确,因此写作运用时无需解释。不过要准确地使用或翻
篇二:电子邮件写作十大技巧 英语商务写作技巧
Email communication has a pivotal role in business communication. The following tips will help you to make your email communication efficient and effective.
1. A Meaningful subject line
People receive a huge number of emails are present in the mailboxes every day. To get your email noticed among them, it is important to give your email a subject line that grabs the attention of the receiver. The subject should also associate closely to the content of the email. When replying remember to change the subject line rather than just let the mail program add “Re:” at the front.
2. Cue it right
It is important to send the mail to the right recipients. No one wants to receive emails in their inbox that really do not concern them. You should use the cc and bcc options only where it is important. Moreover, emails should have a personalised touch to make people relate to them more.
3. Grammatically correct
It is very annoying for people to find mistakes in an email. That is why you should
proofread your email after completing it to correct grammar and check spelling. The use of incorrect grammar would only reduce the reputation of your organisation and yourself in the eyes of the recipient.
4. Simple and concise
The attention span of people is limited and they want to be able to read emails quickly. Therefore, use simple and plain English as much as possible in your emails. For example use “buy” instead of “purchase”. Avoid clichés such as “last but not least” and legalese such as “in reference to” and “please contact the undersigned”.
5. Appropriate Format
Your email should not have all the text in just a single paragraph as this makes it difficult for a reader to understand your meaning. Also avoid long and complex sentences with multiple clauses. Organise the content of your message logically and include bullet points, headings and subheadings for clarity.
6. Appropriate Diction
Words like urgent and important are meant for grabbing the attention of the reader. If these words are used unnecessarily, it will only contribute to making your email seem worthless to recipients. Therefore, use urgent sparingly and resort to other such words only when absolutely necessary.
7. Know the target audience
It is important that you know whom your email is supposed to convince and target. For this purpose, you should know your audience well and must have a clear idea of what they are anticipating before you start writing them an email.
8. Use of links and attachments
The effective use of attachments and hyperlinks helps you communicate your message in an efficient manner and allows your email to be concise. Use links rather than copying and pasting large sections of text.
9. Give a deadline for reply
If a reply to your email is required, then the email should clearly state the deadline for the respondent to reply. This makes it easy for the receiver to understand what actions are intended.
10. A clear action call
If your email requires the reader to perform some action or task, then the call to action should be clear and simple. Mention it more than once, so that the reader does not miss it out.
商务英语书信(Business or Commercial English Correspondence)是指交易时所使用的通信。在美国,常用Business writing,它包括书信、电报、电话、电传、报告书、明信片等。
英语和美语在书信体例方面存在着一定的差异,比如信头和称呼、书信格式、遣词、结尾客套语等均有所不同。一般来说,英国书信较为保守,许多英国人喜欢用老式书信体,用词较为正式刻板,而美国书信语言非常生气、有活力,格式也较为简便。因此当我们写信的对象是英国或其旧殖民地国家时,要使用标准式英语Queen's English;
如果写信的对象是美国或美国势力范围的地区时,就要用美国英语。当然,英国式的语言文化近年来也有变化,但总体来说,两者间的差异是很明显的。商业英文书信,一般都要求用打字机或电脑整齐地打印,左边各行开头垂直的,称为垂直式或齐头式(Block style),美国常用这种格式;每段的第一个词缩进去,称为缩进式或锯齿式(indented style),英国常用此格式。垂直式的职务及签名都在左边的边栏界线,这种格式,在极度尊重工作效率的美国公司,已普遍采用。
正式的商业英语书信要在称呼的上方写上收信公司名称和地址或收信人的名字全称、职务及地址,称为信内地址(Inside address)。信内地址的写法也有垂直式和缩进式之分,垂直式和称美国式将各行并列,缩进式或称英国式将各行依次退缩。不过,笔者注意到,近来英国商业书信信内地址并未依次缩进,似乎与美国式相同。此外,在美国还流行一种普通收信人地址的写法,就是在书信的Inside Address中,把门牌号和街名都省略掉。
在英文书信中要使用敬语,最普遍的敬语是Mr, Mrs和Miss(用于未婚女性)。英国人常在男性的姓名之后用Esq. (Esquire的缩写),不过在商业上也在慢慢地改用Mr. Mmes. (Madam的复数形式),用于二个女士以上。Messrs(Mr的复数形式)用于二个以上的男人,或用于二个以上的男人组成的公司或团体。在英国式英文信里,Mr, Mrs, Messrs,均不加缩写句点,相反地趋向于进步自由的美语反而加缩写句点如Mr., Mrs., Messrs.。
在称呼方面,商业上最普遍的有Gentlemen(美国式)与Dear Sirs(英国式)二种,相当于我国的"敬启者"或"谨启者"。如果信是写给革个公司单位的,不是写给某个具体人的,美语用Gentlemen(复数形式),英语用Dear Sirs。如果对方公司只一人时,必须使用Sir/Dear Sir。称呼后一般要使用标点符号,英国式采用逗号(comma),美国式用分号(colon)。
书信结尾客套语(complimentary close)有多种,相当于我国书信在结尾时使用的"敬礼"、"致敬"、"顺安"等句。最为典型的美国式写法是Sincerely和Best regards,典型的英国式表达有Yours sincerely(熟人或知道对方姓名),Best wishes, kind regards 和yours faithfully(不知姓名)。
It is not surprising, then, that the world saw a return to a floating exchange rate system. Central banks were no longer required to support their own currencies.
Floating policy is of great importance for export trade; it is, in fact, a convenient method of insuring goods where a number of similar export transactions are intended, e.g. where the insured has to supply an overseas importer under an exclusive sales agreement or maintains sales representatives or subsidiary companies abroad.
在这种情况下,世界各国又恢复浮动汇率就不足为奇了。各国中央银行也就无须维持本币的汇价了。 统保单对出口贸易至关重要。它实际上是货物保险中的一种便利的办法,特别适合于分不同的时间出口的一批类似货物,如,当被保险方根据独家代理协议书向国外的进口方供货,或在国外委任了销售代表,设立分支机构时用之。
floating 在上述两个句中的意思完全不一样,floating exchange rate 意为“浮动汇率”,即可自由浮动,完全受市场力量决定的汇率制度。而 floating policy 则指用以承保多批次货运的一种持续性长期保险凭证,常译为“统保单”。
We'd like to inform you that our counter sample will be sent to you by DHL by the end of this week and please confirm it ASAP so that we can start our mass production.
Payment will be made by 100% confirmed, irrevocable Letter of Credit available by sight draft。
很高兴通知您,我们的回样将于本周末用特快专递给您,请尽快确认,以便我们开始大批生产。 付款方式为 1O0% 即期,保兑,不可撤消信用证。
confirmed 一词在这两句话的意思也不一样。在第一个句子中,confirm 的意思是“确认”。在第二个句子中,confirmed L/C 应翻译为“保兑信用证”,即指一家银行所开的由另一家银行保证兑付的一种银行信用证。
Part time barman required.Hours and salary negotiable.
This Bill of Lading is issued in a negotiable form, so it shall constitute title to the goods and the holder, by endorsement of this B/L.
所签发的提单可为转让的,故只要在提单上背书, 便确定了货物和持票人的所有权。
在第一句话中,negotiable 的意思是“可商议的”,在第二句话中的意思则是“可转让的”,“可转让提单”经过背书后即可将所有权转让给他人,值得注意的是,negotiating bank 则是议付银行,即购买或贴现汇票的银行。
You may get a 5% discount if your order is on a regular basis.
If a seller extends credit to a time draft, they have made a trade acceptance.The seller can request that the bank finance the transaction by buying the draft.The bank is said to discount the draft.
如果你方定期给我方下定单,你方便可得到 5% 的折扣。
discount 在这两句话中的意思一个是折扣,另一个是贴现。折扣是指商品在原价的基础上按百分比降价,贴现则是指未到期的票据向银行融资,银行扣取自买进日至到期日的利息,并收取一定的手续费后,将余下的票面金额付给持票人。 例五:endorse
Our products have been endorsed by the National Quality Inspection Association.
Draft must be accompanied by full set original on board marine Bill off Lading made out to order,endorsed in blank,marked freight prepaid.
汇票必须附有全套印有“货物收讫”字样的正本海运提单,凭指示、空白背书,并写明“运费已付”。 注解:
在第一个句子中,“推荐”是指用过某种产品后感到满意,并通过媒体介绍给公众。而第二句中的“空白背书明是指背书人 (endorser) 只在票据背面签上自己的名字,而不注明特定的被背书人 (endorsee)。
If a particular cargo Is partially damaged,the damage is called particular average. It's obvious that the products are below the average quality.
在第一个句子中,particular average 的意思是“单独海损”,是指在保险业中由于海上事故所导致的部分损失, 因此 average 一词的意思是损失或损坏,而第二句中的 average 为“平均”之意。 例七:tender
Under CIF, it is the seller's obligation to tender the relative documents to the buyer to enable him to obtain delivery of the goods. If they arrive, or to recover for the loss, if they are lost on the voyage.
He became as exhilarated as if his tender for building a mansion had been accepted. 译文:
在 CIF 价格术语项下,卖方的责任是向买方递交有关单证,使其能在货物到达后提取货物;如果货物运输途中丢失了,买方也可凭单证去获取补偿。
商务英语中的重要条款用词非常正规,在第一句话中,tender 是用作动词,相当于 give。而在第二句中,tender 是用作名词,意思是“投标”。
To inform one of; To say; To state; To communicate; To advise one of; To bring to one’s notice (knowledge); To lay before one; To point out; To indicate; To mention; To apprise one of; To announce; To remark; To call one’s attention to; To remind one of; etc.
1. We are pleased to inform you that
2. We have pleasure in informing you that
3. We have the pleasure to apprise you of
4. We have the honour to inform you that (of)
5. We take the liberty of announcing to you that
6. We have to inform you that (of)
7. We have to advise you of (that)
8. We wish to inform you that (of)
9. We think it advisable to inform you that (of)
10. We are pleased to have this opportunity of reminding you that (of)
11. We take the advantage of this opportunity to bring before your notice
12. Please allow us to call your attention to
13. Permit us to remind you that (of)
14. May we ask your attention to
15. We feel it our duty to inform you that (of)
(2) 为(目的)奉告某某事项
1. The purpose of this letter is to inform you that (of)
2. The purport of this line is to advise you that (of)
3. The object of the present is to report you that
4. The object of this letter is to tell you that
5. By this letter we Purpose to inform you that (of)
6. Through the present we wish to intimate to you that
7. The present serves to acquaint you that
Your letter; Your favour; your esteemed letter; Your esteemed favour; Your valued letter; Your valued favour; Your note; Your communication; Your greatly esteemed letter; Your very friendly note; Your friendly advice; Yours.
Our (my) letter; Our (my) respects; Ours (mine); This letter; these lines; The present.
The last letter; The last mail; The last post; the last communication; The last respects(自己的信); The last favour(来信)
The next letter; The next mail; The next communication; The letter following; the following.
Your letter of (the) 5th May; Your favour dated (the) 5th June; Yours of the 3rd July; Yours under date (of) the 5th July; Your letter bearing date 5th July; Your favour of even date(AE); Your letter of yesterday; Your favour of yesterday's date; Your letter dated yesterday.