谁来帮我解释一下这个英文作文题目呐~The development of technology changes the way people interact with each other.In which way does it change the types of relationship that people make?Does it have positive or negative effect on the d

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/30 09:33:53
谁来帮我解释一下这个英文作文题目呐~The development of technology changes the way people interact with each other.In which way does it change the types of relationship that people make?Does it have positive or negative effect on the d
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谁来帮我解释一下这个英文作文题目呐~The development of technology changes the way people interact with each other.In which way does it change the types of relationship that people make?Does it have positive or negative effect on the d
The development of technology changes the way people interact with each other.In which way does it change the types of relationship that people make?Does it have positive or negative effect on the development?
什么叫“types of relationship that people make”?
其实字面意思我都理解,就是死不明白什么是“关系类型”?关系还有什么类型啊 = =||

谁来帮我解释一下这个英文作文题目呐~The development of technology changes the way people interact with each other.In which way does it change the types of relationship that people make?Does it have positive or negative effect on the d
问题1: 人们形成的关系类型.
问题3: 我建议从科技与人类的关系来入手,科技让人类更亲密还是更疏远.


2.it肯定指的是advanced technology, development 就是指the way people interact with each other,或者是the types of relationship that people make,其实是差不多的


2.it肯定指的是advanced technology, development 就是指the way people interact with each other,或者是the types of relationship that people make,其实是差不多的
1)narrow the distince between friends and family
2)more informance benefits us with convenience 等



谁能帮我用这个题目how_to_study_english?写一篇英文作文 谁来帮我解释一下这个英文作文题目呐~The development of technology changes the way people interact with each other.In which way does it change the types of relationship that people make?Does it have positive or negative effect on the d 英文作文题目我是谁 《薛谭学讴》这个题目解释一下快! 老师留了篇作文,题目:“某某其人”,哪位好心人给解释一下这个题目 ,谢谢了! 谁能解释一下这个作文题目?题目是“我们的微笑,我们的奥运”.我不懂这是什么意思?谁能解释一下,说说该写什么雷的文章,大概要怎么写?拜托了 请帮我解释一下这个答案【数学题】下面是题目题目也没看懂 谁来帮我解释一下这个放大电路? 请学霸帮我解释一下题目是什么意思 我们老师说以青春随想为话题写一篇作文,谁能帮我解释一下这个作文到底是要写什么?主题是什么?要表达什么?老师说题目自拟,谁能帮忙想一个精美的题目. 《我能行》这个作文题目怎么写 ‘我’以这个题目写一篇作文 莎士比亚英文作品中,th' 、 't 、'tis 、o' 、'em 、'd 等缩写都代表什么意思?请帮我解释一下,谢谢. 作文(我看博物馆)按这个题目写个作文 这个钢筋梁图谁能帮我解释一下?.. 谁能帮我解释一下这个式子? 麻烦你解释一下这个情况英文怎么说 5'th 英文全称是什么?5'th是五周年的意思,那这个th的英文全称是什么?