
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 18:11:36
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I'm from YueYang in HuNan province(湖南省).It's in the middle-south(中国中南部) of China.

my hometown is yueyang.it's a very beautiful city and it's famous for the yueyang tower and the junshan island. the yueyang tower is an ancient building,it's history can dates back to three kingdom pe...


my hometown is yueyang.it's a very beautiful city and it's famous for the yueyang tower and the junshan island. the yueyang tower is an ancient building,it's history can dates back to three kingdom period. When Lu su was sent to yueyang to train the fleet there ,in order to ease the command of ships, he constructed a tower near the strategic location where Lake Dongting joins the Yangtze River, from which the whole of Lake Dongting was visible. besides that , there is a famous poet named fanchongyan. after he had seen the yueyangtower he wrote : be the first to worry about the world and the last to enjoy .this centence is so popular that we awalys used it to introduce my hometown to others. they all know that centence , you know , i'm very proud of it.


去面试需要用英文介绍家乡,我的家乡在湖南岳阳,如题. 用英文介绍我家乡的天气,并要有中文翻译,我的家乡在浙江永康, 用200字英文介绍我的家乡保定介绍保定气候天气,家乡特点,家乡人,家乡景点,家乡风俗 麻烦哪位高人用英语介绍一下我的家乡河南周口?我面试急用! 我的家乡在哪里?我的家乡在湖北可是我却生长在湖南 介绍家乡特产:特产名称:特产介绍:广告语:我的家乡在湖南湘潭,特产有:莲子、灯芯糕…… 湖南是毛主席的家乡用英文怎么翻译 家乡的名人作文 (350字)我家乡在湖南. 制作一份:来自家乡的报告,我的家乡在 湖南,请介绍一下湖南的地形、气候、河流、特产、风俗、居民、美食、美景、历史、著名人物 等内容,可以是综合介绍,也可以重点介绍其中某一项. 用英文介绍自己的家乡啊?用英文介绍我的家乡,我的家乡在重庆荣昌那天,很多学校的学生都会组织来看桃花,过桃花会 我现在急需一份用英文介绍自己的家乡哈尔滨,大概300字左右!急着要去面试,希望你能帮忙 谢谢啦~~~ 我的家乡湖南郴州作文 关于“我的家乡”的英文短篇文章介绍我的家乡的文章,我家在陕西省宝鸡市 英文 我的家乡 怎么用英文做家乡介绍哪位达人能帮我用英文写个家乡的介绍,我因为面试要用的,有点急,不用很难的单词,简单易懂的就可以,面试的要求不是太高,只要能说的出来就可以的.字数方面大概有50- 用英语介绍我的家乡济宁 用英语介绍我的家乡兰州 介绍我的家乡济宁