1、Scientist give to government ______how to develop plans to help animals in danger .on)A.in B.on C.for D.with2、-_______is the Chinese government trying to save the panda?- To create nature parks.How)A.What B.How C.Why D.When3、Would you please

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 17:34:26
1、Scientist give to government ______how to develop plans to help animals in danger .on)A.in B.on C.for D.with2、-_______is the Chinese government trying to save the panda?- To create nature parks.How)A.What B.How C.Why D.When3、Would you please
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1、Scientist give to government ______how to develop plans to help animals in danger .on)A.in B.on C.for D.with2、-_______is the Chinese government trying to save the panda?- To create nature parks.How)A.What B.How C.Why D.When3、Would you please
1、Scientist give to government ______how to develop plans to help animals in danger .on)
A.in B.on C.for D.with
2、-_______is the Chinese government trying to save the panda?- To create nature parks.How)
A.What B.How C.Why D.When
3、Would you please tell me ______next?B)
A.what to do it B how to do it C how I should D what do I do
4、That's very kind _____you.I know it's very hard _____you to do it.B)
A.for ; of B.of ;for C.for ;for D .of; of
5、The young man is _____carry that heavy bag.B)
A.enough strong to B.strong enough to C.not strong enough D.strong enough
6.They were ____love _____each other at the first sight.D)
A.to;with B.in ; for C.to ,for D.in ; with
7.I don't know ______next week.B )
A.what will they do B.what they will do C.what they did D.what did they do
8.Today there may be only 1600 pandas ______in the wild.C)
A.to live B.live C.liveing D.lives

1、Scientist give to government ______how to develop plans to help animals in danger .on)A.in B.on C.for D.with2、-_______is the Chinese government trying to save the panda?- To create nature parks.How)A.What B.How C.Why D.When3、Would you please
1 科学家给政府关于哪方面的建议.关于用on.这题你可能漏抄字了!
2中国政府如何拯救大熊猫?建立自然公园 .如何how
3如果选A 正确写法what to do .如果选C正确写法 how i should do 如果选D 正确写法what i do
4 kind of you 表示你人好,人友善!hard for you表示 对于你来说事情很难!也就是说,介词前是修饰人的时候用of,kind就是修饰人you的.介词前修饰事情不是人用for,hard就是修饰事情难,不是你难!
5strong是形容词,enough修饰形容词时放在形容词后面,所以strong enough对!carry是动词搬运,抬,拎,is也是动词原形,两个动词原形不能同时出现在简单句中.因此carry前面加to,to carry 表示不定式非谓语!is是谓语一般现在时态!
6in love 坠入爱河,与谁相爱,与谁坠入爱河 用with
7这题和第三题很像,从句必须用陈述句语序,不能用疑问句语序,因此 A D 错.B是将来时C是过去时态,这题说我不知道下周他们做什么,用将来时所以B
8这题和第五题有相似地方,一个简单句子只能有一个时态一个谓语,这句may be是情态动词作谓语,已经有谓语不能再出现谓语,Blive Dlives都是一般现在时态谓语,因此排除!A to live C living 属于非谓语,但是 to live 表示将来,这句说目前可能只有1600个熊猫生活在野外,当前现在的情况,所以选择C living

1、on可以翻译成关于 科学家给出关于如何保护濒危动物的计划
2、how 如何 中国政府如何去保护大熊猫
3、how to do it 记住,固定的,而A应该是 what to do
4、be kind of sb. 某人真好,it is adj. to do
5、strong enough to do 足够强壮来做某事
6、be in love wit...


1、on可以翻译成关于 科学家给出关于如何保护濒危动物的计划
2、how 如何 中国政府如何去保护大熊猫
3、how to do it 记住,固定的,而A应该是 what to do
4、be kind of sb. 某人真好,it is adj. to do
5、strong enough to do 足够强壮来做某事
6、be in love with 相爱
7、next week 是下个周,考虑将来时,在这个句子里要用陈述
8、考虑there be doing


1、give XX on sth. 给XX建议
3、你能告诉我接下来应该怎么做这个吗? A没这个用法,C应改how I should do it,D是“我是做什么的”显然说不通。
4、It’s very kind of you. 别人帮了你忙表示感谢“你真是太好了”,固定搭配。
Be hard for sb....


1、give XX on sth. 给XX建议
3、你能告诉我接下来应该怎么做这个吗? A没这个用法,C应改how I should do it,D是“我是做什么的”显然说不通。
4、It’s very kind of you. 别人帮了你忙表示感谢“你真是太好了”,固定搭配。
Be hard for sb. 对某人来说很难
5、Be enough to do sth. 足够强壮,可以... 句意是“他很强壮,能搬起那个重箱子。”
6、In love with XX 对XX陷入爱恋中 (Love at first sight是一见钟情哦~)
7、因为是说“我不知道下周他们会干什么”所以用一般将来时,what they will do, A违反了疑问句的语法顺序
8、现如今大概只有1600只野生大熊猫。 C. Living 现如今(Today),因此用正在进行时。


1,on 关于相当于about,
4,固定搭配be kind of sb (真是太好/友善了) it is +形容词 for sb to do something,意为某人做某事非常。。。
5 enough 修饰形容词,要放在形容词的后面,正确的只有B...


1,on 关于相当于about,
4,固定搭配be kind of sb (真是太好/友善了) it is +形容词 for sb to do something,意为某人做某事非常。。。
5 enough 修饰形容词,要放在形容词的后面,正确的只有BC,而如果是否定只能用not strong enought to,C答案缺少to,所以不正确。只能B
6,固定搭配in love with ..与。。。陷入爱河中。、/与。。。相爱。。


  1. give...on 固定搭配,给...建议

  2. 根据回答,是一种解决问题的方式,所以用how

  3. 宾语从句,后面接一个完整的句子(可任意告诉我接下来怎么完成它吗?)

  4. be kind of sb 表示某人友好,为固定搭配;it's hard for sb to do sth  对...


    1. give...on 固定搭配,给...建议

    2. 根据回答,是一种解决问题的方式,所以用how

    3. 宾语从句,后面接一个完整的句子(可任意告诉我接下来怎么完成它吗?)

    4. be kind of sb 表示某人友好,为固定搭配;it's hard for sb to do sth  对某人来说做什么很困难,固定搭配

    5. be adj enough to do sth ....是足够的强壮

    6. be in love with 爱上

    7. 宾语从句,用陈述语气排除AD,然后看时态,排除C

    8. There be doing


    1 on 关于 2 根据意思, 怎样拯救熊猫,通过创建自然公园

A talk on how to study English well__(give)by an old scientist last Monday 1、Scientist give to government ______how to develop plans to help animals in danger .on)A.in B.on C.for D.with2、-_______is the Chinese government trying to save the panda?- To create nature parks.How)A.What B.How C.Why D.When3、Would you please Our school will invite a scientist ( )(give) ue a talk. GRE 阅读长难句理解NO4.1.2.1中的句子,句型很变态,A desire to throw over reality a light that never was might give way abruptly to the desire on the part of what we might consider a novelist-scientist to record exactly and concretely the she wants to be a scientist.问句 The scientist _____ Canada and he will give us a talk when he _____ back.A.has gone to/comes B.has been to/will come C.has gone to/will come D.has been to/comes she hopes to be a famous scientist.(保持原意) --------ambition ------ to be a famous scientist. A famous scientist has come to our school,对划线的A famous scientist提问改写 Amy wanted to be a scientist when he was ten,对a scientist提问 Tony made up his mind to be a scientist.同义句:Tony___ ___ ___ a scientist. I'll never forget the day when the great scientist came to our school and give us a speech.这里的引导词为什么要用when可以用that吗,还有用who和whom的区别例句 Have you seem the ___(通知)?A scientist will give us a talk tomorrow how to become a great scientist 有英语回答! how to be a great scientist?有英语回答! His wish is to become a scientist为什么不是becoming His wish is to become a scientist 分析句子成分 His wish is to become a scientist画成份 we are looking forward to ____(meet) the great scientist