
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 15:08:24
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Dear XXX
I'm sorry to inform you that as the bidding failed,we have to cancel your order's reservation before.But we still thank you for your great help and strong support on this business.We will keep going and look forward to keeping contact with you in the future work and explore more cooperation opportunities.

Very sorry to inform you that due to bid failure, we have to cancel the reservation for your order before. But still thank you in the business of our sincerity to give help and support, we will continuously grope for forward, and expect in the future work we liaise, have more cooperation

Very sorry to inform you that due to bid failure, we have to cancel the reservation for your orde...


Very sorry to inform you that due to bid failure, we have to cancel the reservation for your order before. But still thank you in the business of our sincerity to give help and support, we will continuously grope for forward, and expect in the future work we liaise, have more cooperation.Best wish to you!


I'm so sorry to inform you that we have to cancel our order engaged before because of bid faliure. Anyway, we sincerely appreciate your help and cooperation for us. We'll go on to move forward and wish to keep in touch and have more cooperation with you in the future.

Dear sirs,
we are sorry to tell you that because of the lost of bidding, we had to cancel the order to you. we still want to say thank you to you for your sincere helping and supporting in this...


Dear sirs,
we are sorry to tell you that because of the lost of bidding, we had to cancel the order to you. we still want to say thank you to you for your sincere helping and supporting in this business. we will try to improve ourselves in the furter. Hope we can keep in touch with each other in the furter and more cooperation.
At your earliest convenience.
Yours faithfully


Dear sir,
we apologize to say we have to cancel the order that was previously made due to the failure of the bid.
Thanks for your sincere help and Vigorously support and cooperation ...


Dear sir,
we apologize to say we have to cancel the order that was previously made due to the failure of the bid.
Thanks for your sincere help and Vigorously support and cooperation in this business.We will endeavour in the following business.and we are looking forward to cooperating with you in the following business.
we sincerely apologize for this fault.


英语翻译非常遗憾的通知您,由于投标失败,我们不得不取消之前给您的订单预定.但是仍然感谢您在这笔业务上给予我们真诚的帮助以及大力支持,我们仍将不断摸索着前进,也期待在未来的工 英语翻译 1.我非常遗憾的通知你,你又没有考及格.2.过分节食会导致疾病. 英语翻译Dear Ashok:我感到非常抱歉!由于Nancy一直在休假,所以没有第一时间回复您的邮件,关于您的这次询价,我今天已经安排其他同事处理,有任何进展我会第一时间通知您! 英语翻译非常感谢在沟通过程中,你对我的耐心帮助与理解.但是非常遗憾,对于贵司与我在2月29日对offer proposal已经达成共识,却在今天通知被降薪的行为,我感到非常难受,也无法接受这个薪资 英语翻译非常怀念,但是忘了全名,现在感到非常遗憾,望知道的大神回复一下, 英语翻译通知亲爱的顾客:非常抱歉!由于今日店内断水,我店暂时只提供瓶装饮料、瓶装水、各类糕点.咖啡豆和一般产品照常销售.为各位带来麻烦,我们感到万分抱歉! 英语翻译非常抱歉因为中国春节的原因回复晚了.我们在28日有给您回复一封邮件,通知您由于货物已经到纽约我们无法修改ams,并且建议您所有的清关资料按照10件要做.之前您要求修改提单时, 汉译英下面句子,急用,非常遗憾的通知你,发票(invoice)和装箱单(Packing list)也需要修改,上面除了净重外还需标注毛重.另外:最近的合同没有给我们,付款时需要用到的 通知这个单词的英语翻译 有遗憾才有回忆的英语翻译 英语翻译我非常荣幸能够收到您的邮件并且能得到一个与您通话的机会.虽然我对你们的课程很感兴趣,但遗憾的是,几天前我已经接受了另一个学校的offer. 古今中外由于一意孤行而失败的例子. 一个由于浮躁而失败的例子 英语翻译我的遗憾.英语怎么说.- -还有“这些,都是我所遗憾的”翻译. 以遗憾为话题的作文也要遗憾遗憾遗憾遗憾遗憾 投标的含义 关于投标的 英语翻译由于本月是年末,请您尽快在月底之前安排付款.若贵司无法安排,请回复通知我们你的付款计划,以便我们能够向财务汇报.