other和another的用法和区别 如题

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other和another的用法和区别 如题
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other和another的用法和区别 如题

other和another的用法和区别 如题
以下是有关的other,another,the other,others,the others 等的区别.希望对你有所帮助.
1.the other +(one/单数名词)表示两者中的另一个
I have two books.One is an English boy,the other (one/book)is a Chinese book.
2.another + (one/单数名词)表示三者或三者以上中的另一个
This hat doesn't fit.I'd like to try another.
He didn't return the book to me.Instead he borrowed another (one/book) from me.
Please give me another umbrella.This one is too old.
3.another 还可表示“又一的,再一个(或一批)的”与more 相似,但词序不同.
after another week又一星期之后 have another glass of milk 再喝一杯牛奶
--Would you like another cup?/Would you like one more cup?
--No,I have had enough.不,我已经足够了
We need another ten chairs./We need ten more chairs
4.others=other + 复数名词/ones “其余的/剩余的”指其余的/剩余的部分
the others=the other + 复数名词/ones“其余的/剩余的”指其余的/剩余的全部
These books are hers,and the other ones are mine.
She always thinks of other people/others and never thinks of herself.


other 是指其他的(无范围)
the other 也是其他的(有范围,也就是其他所有的)
another 是另一个

http://studyenglish.gx7c.com:82/index_3.asp?xxpxddd=46284&xxpxccc=64899 里面有