miss smartie pants 什么意思

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 11:30:32
miss smartie pants 什么意思
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miss smartie pants 什么意思
miss smartie pants 什么意思

miss smartie pants 什么意思
放入Google搜,没发现smartie pants,发现了smartypants.
smarty-pants:A smart aleck.
smarty-pants noun
One who is obnoxiously self-assertive(自信而要强的)and arrogant(傲慢的,自大的):malapert(大胆的,后演的,轻佻的),witling(有小聪明的).
Informal:know-it-all,saucebox,smart aleck,smarty,wisenheimer.
Slang:wiseacre,wisecracker,wise guy.
Idiom:Smarty pants
A smarty pants is someone who displays the intelligence in an annoying way.
Slang Dictionary
smarty-pants (n.)
a cocky person; a smart aleck.
Eg:Look,smarty-pants,let's cut the clowning around.
4) 在朗文词典里
someone who always says clever things or always has the right answer,in a slightly annoying way
British Equivalent:clever clogs
5) 在柯林斯学习词典第五版里
smart alec (smart alecs) also smart aleck
If you describe someone as a smart alec,you dislike the fact that they think they are very clever and always have an answer for everything.(INFORMAL)
Eg:...a fortyish smart-alec TV reporter...
(如果你形容一个人是一个smart alec的话,你不喜欢他们自以为聪明和无所不知.)
总的说来,smartypants可以理解为“自以为聪明和无所不知的人”,“miss”应该就是“Miss”,“Miss Smary Pants”可译为“无所不知小姐”.
