填词汇1、The man picked up a big stone and____it at the dog.The dog ran away.2、____they ____(clean)the house at the moment?Yes,they are.4、I___(konw)the boy since 1993,but I____(not see)him for a long time.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 19:59:14
填词汇1、The man picked up a big stone and____it at the dog.The dog ran away.2、____they ____(clean)the house at the moment?Yes,they are.4、I___(konw)the boy since 1993,but I____(not see)him for a long time.
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填词汇1、The man picked up a big stone and____it at the dog.The dog ran away.2、____they ____(clean)the house at the moment?Yes,they are.4、I___(konw)the boy since 1993,but I____(not see)him for a long time.
填词汇1、The man picked up a big stone and____it at the dog.The dog ran away.2、____they ____(clean
)the house at the moment?Yes,they are.4、I___(konw)the boy since 1993,but I____(not see)him for a long time.

填词汇1、The man picked up a big stone and____it at the dog.The dog ran away.2、____they ____(clean)the house at the moment?Yes,they are.4、I___(konw)the boy since 1993,but I____(not see)him for a long time.
1 threw 扔
2 Are , cleaning
3 have known ( since 常与现在完成时连用)
haven't seen

填词汇1、The man picked up a big stone and____it at the dog.The dog ran away.2、____they ____(clean)the house at the moment?Yes,they are.4、I___(konw)the boy since 1993,but I____(not see)him for a long time. the man was sent to prison after the accident的SENT能改成picked吗? gold,in ,up,pockets,it,and,picked,his,put,the,some,man,连词成句 the man sadly picked up the mattress and carried it into his house.如果改成the man sadly picked up the mattress and carrying it into his house.可以吗 那意思就变成什么了 下列句子怎么造句啊1)picked up2)report a theft3)stole a purse form a woman 4)a few minutes ago5)on the other side of the river6)saw six policeman standing around the man 7)in handcuffs the man is tall and__.怎么填 The old man likes( )填什么 i picked up a man ___ i thought was honest.为什么不能填that这里的关系代词为什么只能选who 而不选that glancing at the bits of wood and metal that lay around him,the man sadly picked up the mattress为什么前面要用glancing?不用glance Kerry __a lot of French by playing with the native boys and girls ...为什么填picked up?并翻译,谢谢 It was on my way to school this morning ----I picked up the wallet.填什么连词 I have to call the man.I picked up his umbrella after the meeting.两句合成一句,定语从句形式! 英语翻译别用翻译工具啊.还有The man picked up Martin and carried him to his car in the village. The company is trying to persuade people ____ their products.A.to buy B.buying C.buy D.into buyThe boy ___ the hat for the old man .A.picked up B.picked out C.picked down D.pickedHe could hardly ___ her son in the dark.A.realize B.aware C.recognize D 英语翻译As the snatcher was running past him,the old man quickly picked up his umbrella and put it between the snatcher's legs.The young man fell down on the ground hard. The director had her assistant ( pick up ) some hot dog for the meeting为什么括号里填pick up 而不填 picked up?不是有had吗 英语翻译people picked up the trash and cover the roadway,cover在这里是什么意思?1 连词成句:1.an,old,to,the,street,usually,cross,man,takes,Sally连词成句:2.for,picked,we,books,up,teacher,some,our