
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 12:05:20
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Happiness is a state of mind.Its denominator is desiration and its numerator is income.However large is the numerator,you will never reach happiness if the denominator is larger.So,a good state of mind is everything.

Happiness is a state of mind, it is the denominator, molecular is income, no matter how, if the denominator molecules, not more than happy forever? So a good attitude is the most important.

Happiness is an attitude, Desire is the denominator while earning is the numerator. However much large the numerator is, if the denominator is even larger, is it possible to achieve happiness? Thus a good attitude is the key factor.

happy actually is not what u are but what u being.a kind of attitude.its denominator's called desire,and its numerator's called money.no matter how big the numerator will be,if the denominator was bi...


happy actually is not what u are but what u being.a kind of attitude.its denominator's called desire,and its numerator's called money.no matter how big the numerator will be,if the denominator was bigger than it,how could the fraction be called happiness?
so a good life attitude is the most important.
i think it's a good metaphor btw.


英语翻译幸福是一种心态,它的分母是欲望,分子是收入,无论分子有多大,如果分母更大,岂不是永远达不到幸福?所以有好心态是最重要的. 幸福是一种怎样的境界,快乐是一种怎样的心得,简单是一种怎样的心态,而我们是一种怎样生物,从而产生了 平和的心态是一种什么境界? 幸福是一种信仰,我是它虔诚的信徒 英文翻译 欲望 英文单词欲望 的英文单词是甚么 英语翻译是幸福的 小时候,幸福是一件东西,得到了,就是幸福;长大了,幸福是一个目标,达到了,就是幸福; 成熟后,幸福是一种心态,领会了,就是幸福,其实,幸福就在当下,只有一个个当下串成的幸福,才是一生一 “人性 欲望 罪恶”与幸福痛苦的联系是怎样的? 以What is happiness为题写英语短文,有人认为幸福是一种心态,也有人认为成功成名是一种幸福,也有人认为 小草描绘了一种什么样的心态,你是怎么样理解这种心态的 什么是幸福,幸福在哪里,金钱与幸福的关系 只是想听听大家的见解,其实我觉得幸福就是一种心态,但幸福对好多人来说更多时候幸福是别人的眼里.幸福与金钱没有绝对的关系,金钱可以创造幸 幸福永远存在于人类不安的追求中,而不存在与和谐与稳定之中有没有例子反对这句话,说明幸福是一种心态 而不是一种状态,平凡也是幸福生活中的人与事 求证明无所谓是一种很好的心态的事例 人生的追求是幸福 幸福的追求是心态 还有物质上的金钱,还有什么 欲望是指的是什么? 登山是一种心态阅读答案 周国平有句话 “无聊是对欲望的欲望” 梁晓声的《读书是一种幸福》读后感