
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 23:23:20
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Carl,my grandfather who has a farm.When Autumn comes,Grandfather and dad go to reap the wheat,i come along with them too.The glittering golden wheat are full of everywhere.When Dad and grandfather are busy with the harvest,i play aside.Many cows on the farm singing moo,and the sheeps bleating.The birds are singing on the tree.Then,some passerby are going by the farm,they praise that what a beatiful landscape this farm has!

mm可否等我明天翻呢……我要考试啊 明天
虽然俺慢点 但总比机器翻译得好吧O(∩_∩)O

My grandfather,Carl,has a farm.The fall coming,grandpa and dad together with me went to harvest the wheat.Everywhere golden wheat were.I played aside,while grandpa and dad were in busy.There were lo...


My grandfather,Carl,has a farm.The fall coming,grandpa and dad together with me went to harvest the wheat.Everywhere golden wheat were.I played aside,while grandpa and dad were in busy.There were lots of cows mooing,and sheep baaing,and singing the birds in the trees, When several passerby went through the farm,They all boasted the farm a very beatiful scenery!


My grandfather, Carl has a farm. Fall, and grandpa and dad went to the harvest of wheat, I have to go. Golden wheat are everywhere. Grandfather and father in the busy time, I play in the next. There a...


My grandfather, Carl has a farm. Fall, and grandpa and dad went to the harvest of wheat, I have to go. Golden wheat are everywhere. Grandfather and father in the busy time, I play in the next. There are a lot of cattle farms in the cow called, there are many sheep bleating to call in, and the birds singing in the trees, when a number of passers-by through the farm, they boast beautiful scenery of the farm it!


麻烦高手把下面这段短文译成英文,我给50分.麻烦高手把下面这段短文译成英文:我的爷爷卡尔有一个农场.秋天到了,爷爷和爸爸一起去收割麦子,我也一块儿去.金灿灿的麦子到处都是.爷爷和 麻烦高手把这篇小短文译成英文,我给50分.麻烦高手把这篇小短文译成英文:今天是“六一”儿童节,爷爷给我100元钱,叫我和同学一块儿去吃肯德基,我约了玛丽、露西一起去.我们三人来到肯 麻烦高手把这段小短文译成英文,我给50分.麻烦高手把这段小短文译成英文:严冬走了,春天到了,树枝上长出了嫩芽,泥地上又冒出了很多小草,小花儿们也盛开了,鸟儿站在枝头快乐地唱歌.在公 请高手把“一段传奇”这句话翻译成英文, 英语翻译麻烦各位高手把下面这段文字翻译成英文 目前,世界上讲英语的有四亿多人,但作为第一语言,使用人数最多,地域最广的要属是美国和英国.英语的形成,发展及使用范围也不尽相同.英 哪位英语英文高手把雅思给我介绍一下? 求高手把这句话翻译成英文---''如果你愿意,我这一生永远只为你一个人画画. 英语翻译麻烦高手把“我提供的这些信息也许可以供您参考”这句话翻译成英语,要客气一点.不要自动翻译的.有合适的答案马上给分. 麻烦高手把这两句话翻译成英文大人你真是太伟大了我见过的最棒的人(意思准确点.不要机器翻译) 求汉译英,此生,我会娶一个为我逃课的女孩儿,然后用此生,对她好.麻烦高手把上边这句汉语翻译成英语 请英文高手把“内向的我只能用英文表达我内心的孤独”翻译成英文, 麻烦英语高手把好吃翻译为英文 英语翻译请高手把“关注儿童,禁止虐待.”这句话翻译成英文. 请高手把这句翻译成英文:小心地滑 求高手把《尚书》里面的《牧誓》翻译成英文 闽南语发音麻烦高手把下面这个故事翻译成闽南语的发音,先申明,不是拼音,我不懂拼音的,只是要闽南语的发音!只要让我知道读音是怎么读的,随你怎么译都行,拼音(汉语)英文汉字相结合都 英语翻译一首林依晨的歌《非你莫属》希望找高手把全部歌词给翻译成英文,think you 崩口人忌崩口碗,使唔使甘话人啊,咩心情都唔噻.家阵好嬲,知乜!知乜!求高手把这段粤语翻译成普通话.